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Applied Math Seminar: Kinetic Transport Equations and Parallel Computing

Event Type: 
Kris Garrett
Event Date: 
Monday, October 10, 2016 - 3:30pm
SMLC 356
Deborah Sulsky

Event Description: 

Kinetic transport equations govern the physics of particle transport in the regime where particles are sufficiently spread apart that they can travel a large distance without colliding with other particles.  An example is gas dynamics at high altitudes where the Boltzmann equation must replace the Navier Stokes equations.  The difficulty in computing solutions to kinetic transport equations comes from the high dimensionality of the problems (up to 7D).  This talk will give an introduction to kinetic transport equations and a high level overview of many numerical problems faced when trying to solve such equations. Further, several computational issues will be discussed on the topic of  parallelizing and optimizing code for a supercomputer.

Please note: Bob Robey (LANL) will also make a short presentation at the end of this talk about summer research internship programs at LANL for students.  Visit to preview information on the summer schools.

Coffe and tea will be served 15.00 in the lounge. 


Event Contact

Contact Name: Deborah Sulsky

Contact Email: