Local Approximation Study of Johnson's Method for 2D Elasticity Problems V.G. Ganzha*) and E.V. Vorozhtsov Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia ----------------------- *) At the moment, the University of Kassel, Kassel D 34127, Germany The Lagrangian finite-difference method, which was developed by G.R. Johnson in 1976 for the numerical solution of two-dimensional high velocity impact problems within the framework of the elasticity and plasticity theories, has gained a widespread acceptance. We investigate the local approximation of this method with the aid of the computer algebra systems. The problem under consideration involves tremendous intermediate expressions. We present an algorithm of decomposition of a complex approximation problem into a finite set of simpler subproblems whose union provides the solution of the original approximation problem. The results obtained with the aid of this algorithm show that the Johnson's method has no approximation in the case when the accelerations of the nodes are computed on the basis of four triangular elements surrounding a given node of the triangular mesh. In the case of six elements and of the uniform triangular mesh, the approximation takes place only if the lumped mass in the given node is equal to two thirds of the sum of masses of the six elements having their vertices at the given node. In this particular case, the Johnson's method has the second order of approximation in space and the first order of approximation in time. But in the case of irregular, distorted Lagrangian mass elements the Johnson's method has no approximation of the original elasticity equations also in the case of the six triangular elements surrounding the given node of the mesh. It is shown that the first-order approximation in the case of irregular elements takes place only in the case of small deviations of the shapes of the elements from their regular shapes. The validity of the obtained results was checked by using two different computer algebra systems: REDUCE and Maple. It follows from the results obtained that the Johnson's method as applied to high-velocity impact problems should be augmented by an algorithm for the local mesh rezoning in the subdomains of strong distortions of the Lagrangian mass elements to ensure the local approximation.