Thermodyanmics with Maple

Ross Taylor

Date: July 18th (Thursday)
Time: 16:50-17:15
Computer algebra systems (of which Maple is but one example) have enormous potential, not just in thermodynamics, but in all areas of science and engineering. However, to be useful in thermodynamics a computer algebra system needs:
  1. The ability to work with total differentials of undefined functions, for example dS where S=S(U,V).
  2. To be able to work with the subscripted (indexed) partial derivatives of thermodynamic functions found in many thermodynamic formulae.
  3. The ability to differentiate undefined or arbitrary sums (a summation where the upper limit is a symbol rather than a number).
As far as the author is aware, none of the commercially available computer algebra is able to do any of the above right out of the box. In this paper we describe extensions to Maple so that it can be used to rapidly develop the expressions needed to compute thermodynamic properties of mixtures of any number of components. This paper also presents examples of thermodynamic computations carried out using Maple with an emphasis on graphical visualization of both symbolic and numerical results. One of the advantages of using a computer algebra system is the greatly increased accuracy of derivations of thermodynamic properties and numerical computations. That is, students are much more likely to get it right. On the debit side is a possible decrease in the students ability to carry out such derivations and computations by hand. Other advantages and disadvantages of using a computer algebra package in undergraduate education will also be discussed.


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