Factorized Gröbner Bases and Polynomial Systems

Hans-Gert Gräbe

Date: July 20th (Saturday)
Time: 09:15-09:37.5
Solving complicated polynomial systems with special purpose CASs (as proposed in L. Bernardin's abstract) is often only of restricted benefit due to the complicated output structure. Especially for systems with infinitely many solutions, algorithms near to a prime decompositions must be involved instead to obtain more insight into the structure of the set of solutions. A central tool for such a purpose is the Gröbner algorithm with factorization. No special purpose systems offer both facilities (yet) on a satisfactory level. In my report, I will present both a comparison of the Gröbner factorizer capabilities of the big general purpose CASs (as far as these capabilities are accessible) and a survey about the output quality of this algorithm compared to a full prime decomposition.


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