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Historically, the algorithms for numerical computations and for symbolic and algebraic computations were designed and developed by two distinct groups of people having rather little interaction with each other. The basic principles, tools and techniques used in these two groups were also quite different from each other. Numerical computations are typically performed with a fixed (single or double) finite precision and the propagation and magnification of roundoff errors is usually avoided by means of various techniques of error and perturbation analysis and approximation theory. Symbolic and algebraic computations typically assume exact computations with no roundoff errors, that is, for an exact input, the output yields exact solution to the computational problem. To maintain exact solution computation, the typical tools and techniques of rational computations are applied, such as the Chinese remainder algorithm, p -adic (Newton-Hensel's) lifting and the extended Euclidean (continued fraction approximation) algorithm. In spite of using these sophisticated techniques, a certain price is to be paid for reaching the exact rather than an approximate solution: typically, the algebraic computations require substantially more resources of computer time and memory space than numerical computations for the problems of the same size.

The recent trend, however, is to merge both groups of algebraic and numerical tools and techniques to develop most effective algorithms for both exact and approximate solution of algebraic and geometric computational problems. Such a development is of benefit in both cases, accentuanting the power of each group of techniques. The reader is referred to [P92] and [BP94] for some further material on this subject.

An important point is that the customary tools and algorithms for the computations in applied linear algebra were typically developed by numerical analysts whereas advanced polynomial computations belong to the traditional domain of computer algebra based on the tools of symbolic computation. An effective bridge between numerical computation with matrices and symbolic computation with polynomials can be built based on the manipulation with dense structured matrices (such as Toeplitz, Hankel, Vandermonde and Cauchy matrices and the matrices having similar structures). The latter matrices can be treated by the known numerical techniques ensuring numerically stable computations. On the other hand, there is a tight link between the dense structured matrices and polynomials, in terms of the associated operators of displacement and scaling. Such a link enables equivalent interpretation of various polynomial computation problems in terms of computations with dense structured matrices. These observations are exploited explicitly or implicitly in most of our algorithms.

In the present paper we survey our recent progress in the study of symbolic/numeric computations. We cover the following particular topics: solution of a polynomial equation and a polynomial system of equations, computation of approximate polynomial greatest common divisors and computations with dense structured matrices with their further applications to polynomial and rational interpolation and multipoint polynomial evaluation. Each of these topics is a well-known classical algebraic subject, important for the theory and practice of computing and still highly popular among the researchers. We seek approximate solutions by combining algebraic and numerical techniques to improve the known algorithms. In some cases we yield output approximations in nearly optimal time and/or improve by order of magnitude the known computational complexity estimates; in other cases our gain is the improved numerical stability. We omit or keep very brief the discussion on the (usually well-known) importance of the presented computational problems and the full description of the algorithms, referring the reader to our bibliography, which also contains further references.

Our range of topics is quite broad but personal and by no means complete, even regarding our own research. For instance, we do not cover important progress recently achieved by combining numerical and algebraic techniques for the computation of the sign of algebraic and algebraic-geometric predicates. This progress includes in particular the computation of the sign of matrix determinant, which is a major problem of practical geometric computations [BEPP97], [BEPP99], [PY99].

We organize the paper as follows. In the next section, we will specify our models of computing. Then we cover polynomial rootfinding in section 3, solution of a polynomial system of equations in section 4, computation of approximate polynomial gcd in section 5 and computations with dense structured matrices (with applications to polynomial and rational interpolation and multipoint evaluation) in section 6.

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IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings