"Hierarchical approach to automatic differentiation" Marco Mancini Parallel Computing Laboratory Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems University of Calabria 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy Automatic differentiation (AD) techniques have been investigated since 1980; however, AD technology is still in its infancy. Current tools use very simple AD algorithms, because most of the development time has been dedicated to building robust tools instead of implementing more sophisticated and efficient AD algorithms. This talk describes advanced algorithms for generating first-order derivatives exploiting the program structure of the function to be differentiated and the associativity of the chain rule, in a global forward mode approach. To decrease the complexity of the derivative codes, a hierarchical approach to automatic differentiation is used, by exploiting the interface asymmetries between the number of derivatives to be computed and the amount of information flowing in or out of a program segment. The computational results show performance gains of the proposed techniques compared with existing approaches. We also describe a new source transformation module for computing first-order derivatives and the underlying infrastructure used to create a language-independent translation tool.