Working in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}(\underline{T})[\underline{X}]$.

The best result, when working in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}(\underline{T})[\underline{X}]$, that we have found appears in [3] (pp. 277, Exercises 5 to 9), where it is proposed an algorithmic method to compute a subset $\tilde W\subset{\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}^m$ such that if $\tilde
G=\{\tilde g_1(\underline{X}),\dots,\tilde
g_s(\underline{X})\}\subset{\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}(\underline{T})[\underline{X}]$ is a Gröbner basis of the ideal $\tilde I=<\tilde F_1(\underline{X}),\dots,\tilde
F_m(\underline{X})>\subset{\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}(\underline{T})[\underline{X}]$, and $t^{(0)}\in
\tilde W$, then $\varphi^{(0)}(\tilde G)$ is a Gröbner basis of $\varphi^{(0)}(\tilde
I)$. This set $\tilde W$ of sufficient conditions on the parameters is defined by:
none of the denominators of $\tilde F_i$ are 0, $i=1,\dots,m$,
none of the denominators of $\tilde g_j$ are 0, $j=1,\dots,s$,
let Bij be the polynomials in ${\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}(\underline{T})[\underline{X}]$ such that $\tilde g_j=\sum_{i=1}^m
B_{ij}\tilde F_i$; none of the denominators of Bij are 0.
Although the computation of the denominators appearing in the $\tilde F_i$'s and the $\tilde g_j$'s is easy, the computation of the denominators in the Bij's can lead to lengthy calculations: we have to compute one quotient ideal ( $\tilde I:\tilde g_j$) and one elimination ideal ( $\tilde
I:\tilde g_j\cap {\rm I\kern -2.2pt K\hskip 1pt}[\underline{T}]$) for every polynomial $\tilde g_j$ in the basis.

IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings