Category of representations of elementary knowledge

T. Plotkin
Dept. of Math. & Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University
52-900 Ramat-Gan, Israel, - B. Plotkin
Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Israel,

We assume that knowledge has the following three components:

- Syntactic description of the knowledge, which reflects, what do we want to know,

- Subject of the knowledge ,

- Content of the knowledge, which is uniquely determined by the previous two components.

In order to define the notion of knowledge representation, we need to determine realization of all these components.

In this paper we restrict ourselves to elementary knowledge. This means that

- logic of description is elementary logic (First Order Logic - FOL),

- knowledge is considered on the level of relations between elements of a basic structure (subject of knowledge)

- elementary knowledge is considered as a source information, i.e., primary knowledge which determines the ways of obtaining new knowledge, in particular, knowledge of elementary knowledge.

Category of representations of elementary knowledge is a good way to organize and order the corresponding primary knowledge. Morphisms of the category of knowledge establish knowledge links. This allows to speak of knowledge isomorphism.


IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings