"Polynomial arithmetic mod p using DERIVE" J.Wiesenbauer Technischen Universitaet Wien Abstract: In contrast to other CAS like e.g. Mathematica there are no built-in functions for polynomial arithmetic mod p in DERIVE. In particular, the mod p versions of REMAINDER, QUOTIENT and POLY_GCD are missing. In my lecture, implementations of these functions will be given along with many others like POLYMOD for the reduction of the coefficients of polynomials mod p or POLYPOWER for computing powers of polynomials based on the well-known "Square and Multiply"-algorithm. In addition, a number of examples are given that show these functions at work, in particular, when it comes to computations in finite fields, Galois rings and rings of cyclotomic integers. Furthermore, they are used to implement the standard algorithms for the factorization of polynomials over residue class rings mod p and the ring Z of integers.