Speaker: Jean-Charles Faugere and Fabrice Rouillier Title: Design of filter and filter banks using dedicated Computer Algebra Tools Affiliation: Equipe Calcul Formel (LIP6) Chercheur CNRS and Loria / Inria-Lorraine URL: http://posso.lip6.fr/~jcf/ and http://www.loria.fr/~rouillie/ EMail: Jean-Charles.Faugere@lip6.fr and Fabrice.Rouillier@loria.fr Abstract In theory it is well known that Computer Algebra techniques and more especially polynomial systems solving methods can be used to design filter or filter banks. On the other hand general computer algebra systems are not powerful enough to handle such problems. Fortunately, recent progress in algorithms for solving polynomial systems have enhanced the computational capabilities of dedicated computer algebra systems. On the basis of the prospective work done in the European Frisco project we consider in this talk five problems in Signal Theory that lead to algebraic systems. We describe new algorithms and software that have been used for solving these problems. In particular we mention very efficient algorithms for computing exactly all the real roots of a zero dimensional system. A surprising fact is that very often the algebraic systems are not zero dimensional so that we need special algorithms and software to ``solve'' such systems: decomposition of the variety, special routine to draw curve of high degree, testing emptiness of hyper surfaces.