Ctadel: A Computer Algebra System for the Generation of Efficient Numerical Codes for PDEs Robert van Engelen: Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department Florida State University, 206 Love Bldg., Tallahassee, FL32306-4530 Email: engelen@cs.fsu.edu, URL: http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen Abstract: The Ctadel system is a generator of numerical codes for hyperbolic PDE problems using finite difference methods. The system exploits characteristics of the target computer hardware to generate efficient codes. Ctadel has primarely been used in the area of numerical weather forecasting to generate efficient serial, vector, and parallel versions of the so-called dynamics routines. The dynamics routines solve the PDEs describing the dynamical tendencies of the prognostic variables using second-order finite differences in space and time. In this scheme, the arithmetically complicated right-hand sides are calculated first by evaluating spatial differences and quadratures. Then, the results are time integrated by a leap-frog time scheme. For the specification of PDE problems like the weather forecast dynamics, Ctadel has a problem specification language with mixed low- to high-level language constructs. The high-level constructs are for PDEs in vector notation and integrations. The low-level constructs range from differences to almost Fortran-level constructs. In this way, the user can override implementation decisions of the system by choosing lower instead of higher-level constructs. The constructs at the different levels are manipulated by Ctadel's algebraic subsystem that integrates classical term-rewriting methods but also restructuring compiler optimizations for improved code generation and parallelization.