A symbolic-numerical package for linear stability analysis of numerical methods for ODEs by M.Cafaro (*), B.Paternoster (**) (*) Faculty of Engineering, University of Lecce, Palazzo Stecca, Via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy, e-mail: cafaro@sara.unile.it (**) Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita' di Salerno, Via S. Allende, 84081 Baronissi (Salerno), Italy, e-mail: beapat@dia.unisa.it na.paternoster@na-net.ornl.gov 84081 Baronissi (Salerno) In recent years we have been considering the possibility of using symbolic computation in the analysis and development of new numerical methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), looking at computer algebra from the point of view of its users. We present the Mathematica package StabInt.m which computes the intervals of stability of rational functions, when they are regarderd as stability functions of numerical methods for ODEs. The package is very flexible because it ignores the form of the method under analysis, considering the inequalities which represent the stability conditions. The possibility to perform the computation with different accuracies allows the user to detect ill-conditioned situations. The package is freely available on http://www.netlib.org/ode/symbolic.