Title: A symbolic-numeric environment for computing equidistant curves Authors: Francisco Botana (Univ. de Vigo, Spain) Miguel Á. Abánades (Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Extended Abstract: The bisector of two geometrical elements (points, curves, surfaces, etc.) is the locus set of points equidistant to them. While the concept of a bisector is simple, its effective computation is usually not trivial, involving a non algebraic approach in an essential way. In this talk we will show a web-based system that completely determines bisectors of points and algebraic curves (provided as graph of functions, by implicit functions, or as the conic through five points, for instance). The algorithms behind the bisector computations use on one hand Groebner-based elimination to determine an algebraic variety containing the bisector and on the other hand a numeric approach to provide the graph of the semi-algebraic subset corresponding to the true bisector. The system mainly consists of an interactive drawing canvas where the algebraic and true bisectors are displayed together with the point and curve determined by the user. Moreover, the equation of the algebraic bisector is provided in text form. An important feature of the system is that it is solely based on open source software. It uses the dynamic geometry system GeoGebra and the computer algebra system Sage. More concretely, the algebraic knowledge introduced through GeoGebra is remotely processed by Sage and its Singular component by means of its efficient elimination algorithms. Moreover, the recent GroebnerCover algorithm is used for the exact determination of segment endpoints in the case of true bisectors. Partially supported by grants MTM2008-04699-C03-03/MTM and MTM2011-25816-C02-02 from the Spanish MINECO.