General Session on Computer Algebra

at ACA'2018 to be held June 18-22 at Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Michael Wester, University of New Mexico, USA


This session is for talks that do not fit into any of the other ACA sessions. All proposals in the scope of the conference are welcome.

If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract to the main organizer. Please use this LaTeX template for your abstract and send both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF version. If you do not work with LaTeX, the submission may be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx file) and later, once accepted, we will try to adapt the proposal to the LaTeX template.


  1. Computer Algebra and Computer Science
    (Gereon Kremer, Aachen, Germany)
  2. Automatic generation of diagrammatic subway maps for any date with Maple
    (Alberto Almech and Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Madrid, Spain)
  3. Detecting truth, just on parts, in automated reasoning in geometry
    (Zoltán Kovács, Tomás Recio and M. Pilar Vélez*, Austria and Spain)
  4. Randomized Algorithms for Normal Basis in Characteristic Zero
    (Mark Giesbrecht, Armin Jamshidpey*, Éric Schost, Canada)
  5. Conversion of element representations in Galois rings
    (Juan Carlos Ku Cauich, Mexico City, Mexico)

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ACA'2018 main page
Conferences on Applications of Computer Algebra main page