Welcome to the homepage of Mrs. Li

Li, Li is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of New Mexico Department of Mathematics and Statistics. She is also an associate member of UNM Comprehensive Cancer center. On this page, you will find information on her research interests and work, the courses she has taught and is teaching, and some of her personal life in general. For more details of her professional work, please refer to her Curriculum vitae .

To contact me:

Office: SMLC 314

Fall 2019 Office Hours: Thursday 12pm to 2pm

Teaching in Spring 2020:

Current research activities:

I am working with Xin Gao on Mediation analysis for his doctoral dissertation and Christina Deffenbaugh for her master thesis on Belief/Plausibility measures. I am also working on methods for complicate lifetime modeling, including recurrent events modeling, joint modeling for cluster size and survival outcomes. For applied work, I am collaborating with UNM METALS Superfund Research Program Center on various projects on neuro-developmental issues for children in the Navajo Nation.

Current service activities:

I am serving on the department undergraduate committee and colloquium committee. I also advise undergraduate and graduate students regularly. Besides, I am also a referee to multiple journals. For more information on my services, please refer to my .