Home Page of Lane McConnell
MCTP Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131
Office: SMLC 332
Phone: (505) 277-2114
E-Mail: lmcconne@math.unm.edu
Education Information:

BA, English - University of New Mexico (2007)
BS, Applied Mathematics - University of New Mexico (2007)
MS, Applied Mathematics - Northwestern University (2008)
PhD, Applied Mathematics - Northwestern University (2013)

Teaching Schedule:

Courses for Fall 2013:

  • Math 316: Ordinary Differential Equations (Syllabus)


My research is in the area of computational fluid dynamics. My primary focus is on the electrodynamics and hydrodynamics of lipid bilayer vesicles, which are small, cell-like sacs of fluid with a diverse array of biological and medical uses.

  • Vesicle Electrohydrodynamics in DC Electric Fields, McConnell, L. C., Miksis, M. J., and Vlahovska, P. M., IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, doi: 10.1093/imamat/hxt023, 2013
  • Electrohydrodynamics of Vesicles in AC Electric Fields, McConnell, L. C., Vlahovska, P. M., and Miksis, M. J. (in preparation)

Other Information:
  • Honors
  • National Merit Scholar
    Regent's Scholarship (UNM)
    Royal E. Cabell Fellowship (Northwestern)
    NSF Mentoring Through Critical Transition Points (MCTP) Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Mathematics and Statistics       University of New Mexico      Humanities 415     Albuquerque     NM     87131