Strong turbulence in critical nonlinear Schrodinger equation

Supported by NSF grant DMS 0807131

Project participants:

Y. Chung

P.M. Lushnikov

N. Vladimirova

2D nonlinear Schrodinger equation with dissipative regularization

(a)Snapshot of absolute value of psi vs. spatial coordinates (x,y). (b)Snapshot of density plot for psi shows collapse decay with emission of cylindrical waves.

Movie for dynamics of absolute value of psi (7.5Mb)
Movie for dynamics of argument of psi (46Mb)

Probability distribution function

shows algebraic tails due to collapses:

Grant Related Publications
  1. P.M. Lushnikov. Critical chemotactic collapse.
    Submitted to Physical Review E (2009). (PDF)
  2. Y. Chung, P.M. Lushnikov, and N. Vladimirova. Collapse Turbulence in Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation.
    AIP Conf. Proc., v. 1168, p. 1235-1238 (2009). (PDF)

Link to Pavel Lushnikov's web page at the University of New Mexico

Last modified: 08/28/2009.