Pavel Lushnikov
Fall 2024

Math 312:  Partial Differential Equations for Engineering

Homework assignments and book sections to read

Textbook:  Richard Haberman. Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems (5th Edition), Pearson.

Lecture (Section 001) (Dane Smith Hall 229): TR 2:00pm - 3:15pm

Instructor: Pavel Lushnikov
Office: Science Math Learning Center room 218
Office hours: Tue 10:50-12:20, Thurs 10:50-12:20 or by appointment
Office phone: (505) 277-2104
Email address:  

Homeworks Problems are assigned with assignment dates. Previous week assignment is due on Tuesdays before the beginning of lecture by uploading to Home work is the most important part of the learning experience. You can cooperate while doing homework, but I still expect your assignments to be completed and written by you in your own words, not containing pieces taken verbatim from elsewhere. HWs that look too much alike will not be counted. No late homework will be accepted.

There will be 2 midterm exams and final exam. 

Course grading
Homework:               15 %
Midterm Exams (2):  30 % each
Final Exam:                25 %

Course Calendar
Exam 1:                 10/01/2024 in Class
Exam 2:                 TBA in Class
Final Exam:            TBA

Make-up exam policy: No make-up exam will be given unless you contact me in advance with written authorization from university to miss exam (illness, family emergency, active participation in athletic events).

Policies and syllabus