6th MPM Workshop
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
6th MPM Workshop
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
August 9-10, 2010
Please mention MPM Workshop to obtain special room rates.
The meeting will last one and a half days, featuring presentations on theory and applications of the material-point method (MPM). MPM is a numerical method for solving problems in continuum mechanics and has been applied to solve problems that involve topics such as composites, fracture, fluid-structure interaction, contact, impact, foams, multiphase flows and porous media.
The full program will be available on this site prior to the meeting.
If you are planning on attending please register prior to June 30, 2010
Links to airport, hotel van, bus, taxi information.
For information about the meeting, please contact Deborah Sulsky by email or phone at 505-277-4613.