- Michael J. Wester (editor), Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical
Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, United Kingdom, ISBN
0-471-98353-5, xvi+436 pages, 1999.
- Michael J. Wester and Michel Beaudin (editors), Computer Algebra in
Education, Aulonna Press, White Lake, Michigan, ISBN 978-0-9754541-9-6,
viii+134 pages, 2008.
Journal Special Issues
- Michael J. Wester, Elizabeth A. Arnold, Patrizia Gianni, Ilias S.
Kotsireas, Eugenio Roanes-Lozano and Stanly Steinberg (editors), ``Special
Issue: Applications of Computer Algebra in Science, Engineering, Simulation and
Special Software'', Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
Volume 67, Issues 1--2, September 3, 2004.
- I. S. Kotsireas, A. G. Akritas, S. L. Steinberg and M. J. Wester (editors),
``Special Issue: Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) 2001 and 2002'',
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 40, Numbers 4--5,
October/November 2005.
- Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Michael Wester and Stanly Steinberg (editors),
``Special Issue: Nonstandard Applications of Computer Algebra''.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 79, Issue 8, April
- Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Michael J. Wester and Stanly Steinberg (editors),
Applications of Computer Algebra 2007 (ACA 2007) special session on Nonstandard
Applications of Computer Algebra''. Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation, Volume 80, Issue 6, February 2010.
- Kathleen Pineau, Michael J. Wester, France Caron and Daniel H. Jarvis
(editors), ``The 15th International Conference on Applications of Computer
Algebra (ACA 2009) Session on Computer Algebra in Education'', The
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, Volume
17, Number 2, 2010.
- Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Michael J. Wester and Stanly Steinberg (editors),
``Special Issue: Nonstandard Applications of Computer Algebra'',
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 82, Issue 1,
September 2011.
- Antonio Hernando, Francisco Botana, Eugenio Roanes-Lozano and Michael J.
Wester (editors), ``Special issue: 18th International Conference on
Applications of Computer Algebra'', Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation, Volume 104, Issue 1--2, October 2014.
- Francisco Botana, Antonio Hernando, Eugenio Roanes-Lozano and Michael J.
Wester (editors), ``Special issue: Nonstandard Applications of Computer
Algebra (ACA'2013)'', Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
Volume 125, Issue 1--2, July 2016.
- Michael J. Wester, ``An Act of Rashness'', Southwest High School
Creative Writing Awards, New Mexico State University, Volume
Twelve---Spring 1973, 24--27.
- Richard Pavelle and Michael Wester, Computer Programs for Research in
Gravitation and Differential Geometry, MIT/LCS/TM-167, Laboratory for
Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, June 1980, revised June 1982.
- Allen L. Camp, Martin P. Sherman and Michael J. Wester, ``A Model for
Predicting Containment Response to Hydrogen Burns'', Transactions of the
American Nuclear Society, Volume 41, July 1982, 398--399.
- G. G. Weigand, M. S. Krein, M. J. Wester and M. Padmanabhan, A
Parametric Study of Containment Emergency Sump Performance,
NUREG/CR-2758, SAND82-0624, ARL-46-82, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico and Alden Research Laboratory, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, Holden, Massachusetts, July 1982.
- Allen L. Camp, Michael J. Wester, Susan E. Dingman and Martin P. Sherman,
``HECTR: A Computer Program for Modelling the Response to Hydrogen Burns in
Containment'', NUREG/CP-0038, EPRI RP1932-35, SAND82-2456, Proceedings of
the Second International Conference on the Impact of Hydrogen on Water Reactor
Safety, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October
1982, 827--842.
- Susan E. Dingman, Michael J. Wester and Allen L. Camp, ``Applications of
HECTR to Reactor Containments'', NUREG/CP-0038, EPRI RP1932-35, SAND82-2456,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Impact of
Hydrogen on Water Reactor Safety, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 1982, 175--189.
- John C. Cummings, Allen L. Camp, Martin P. Sherman, Michael J. Wester,
David Tomasko, Rupert K. Byers and Blaine W. Burnham, ``Review of the Grand
Gulf Hydrogen Igniter System'', NUREG/CP-0038, EPRI RP1932-35, SAND82-2456,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Impact of
Hydrogen on Water Reactor Safety, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 1982, 1045--1059.
- M. S. Krein, M. J. Wester, P. O. Strom and G. G. Weigand, A
Parametric Study of Containment Emergency Sump Performance: Results of Vertical
Outlet Sump Tests, NUREG/CR-2759, SAND82-7062, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 1982.
- Michael J. Wester, Susan E. Dingman, Allen L. Camp, Martin P. Sherman and
Peter G. Prassinos, ``Development and Applications of a Computer Program for
Modelling the Response to Hydrogen Burns in Containment'', SAND82-0869C,
Proceedings of the Second International Topical Meeting on Nuclear
Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Santa Barbara, California, January 1983,
- Richard Bogen, Jeffrey Golden, Michael Genesereth, Richard Pavelle,
Michael Wester, Richard Fateman and Alexander Doohovskoy, MACSYMA
Reference Manual, 2 volumes, The Mathlab Group, Laboratory for Computer
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Version Ten---January 1983.
- G. G. Weigand, M. S. Krein, M. J. Wester and M. Padmanabhan, ``Containment
Emergency Sump Studies to Investigate Unresolved Safety Issue A-43'',
NUREG/CP-0027, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Thermal
Nuclear Reactor Safety, Chicago, Illinois, February 1983,
- J. C. Cummings, A. L. Camp, M. P. Sherman, M. J. Wester, D. Tomasko,
R. K. Byers and B. W. Burnham, Review of the Grand Gulf Hydrogen Igniter
System, NUREG/CR-2530, SAND82-0218, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 1983.
- Michael J. Wester, Douglas J. Rzepecki and Allen L. Camp, ``Evaluation of
HECTR Predictions of Hydrogen Transport'', SAND83-0682C, Proceedings of
the International Meeting on Light Water Reactor Severe Accident
Evaluation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 1983, pp.
- Michael J. Wester and Allen L. Camp, An Evaluation of HECTR
Predictions of Hydrogen Transport, NUREG/CR-3463, SAND83-1814, Sandia
National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 1983.
- Michael Wester and Stanly Steinberg, ``An Extension to MACSYMA's Concept
of Functional Differentiation'', SIGSAM Bulletin (Association for
Computing Machinery), Volume 17, Number 3 and 4, August and November 1983,
- Michael Wester and Stanly Steinberg, ``A Survey of Symbolic Differentiation
Implementations'', Proceedings of the 1984 MACSYMA Users'
Conference, Schenectady, New York, July 1984, 330--355.
- S. E. Dingman, A. L. Camp and M. J. Wester, ``Capabilities of HECTR in
Predicting Containment Responses During Hydrogen Combustion'', Designing
for Hydrogen in Nuclear Power Plants, Joint ASME/ANS Nuclear Engineering
Conference, Portland, Oregon, August 1984, 65--71.
- S. E. Dingman, A. L. Camp and M. J. Wester, ``Capabilities of HECTR in
Predicting Containment Responses During Hydrogen Combustion'',
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volume 46, 1984,
p. 134.
- S. E. Dingman, A. L. Camp and M. J. Wester, Capabilities of HECTR
Version 1.0, SAND84-0368C, CONF-840813-5, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1984.
- Allen L. Camp, Michael J. Wester and Susan E. Dingman, HECTR Version
1.0 User's Manual, NUREG/CR-3913, SAND84-1522, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 1985.
- Michael Wester and John K. Prentice, ``The Development of a Multiple
Eulerian Mesh Capability for the HULL Hydrocode'', Shock Compression of
Condensed Matter---1989: Proceedings of the American Physical Society Topical
Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 14--17, 1989,
North-Holland, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1990, 173--176.
- Michael Wester, ``Expression Swell Analysis of the Computation of Matrix
Characteristic Polynomials'', Transactions of the Eighth Army Conference
on Applied Mathematics and Computing, Report No. 91-1, U.S. Army
Research Office, February 1991, 887--915.
- Jackie Damrau and Michael Wester, ``Form Letters with 3-Across Labels
Capability'', TUGboat: The Communications of the TeX Users Group,
Volume 12, Number 4 (1991 TUG Conference Proceedings, Part 2), December 1991,
- Michael Wester, Book review of Mathematica: A System for Doing
Mathematics by Computer, Second Edition by Stephen Wolfram, SIAM
Review, Volume 34, Number 3, September 1992, 519--522.
- Michael James Wester, Symbolic Calculation and Expression Swell
Analysis of Matrix Determinants and Eigenstuff, Ph.D. dissertation,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 1992.
- M. Wester, ``On Computing Symbolic Determinants and Eigenstuff'',
Panamerican Workshop for Applied and Computational Mathematics,
January 1993, Caracas, Venezuela, p. 6.19.
- Michael Wester, ``A Review of CAS Mathematical Capabilities'',
Computer Algebra Nederland Nieuwsbrief, Number 13, December 1994,
ISSN 1380-1260, 41--48 (newer version of the paper below).
- Michael Wester, ``A Review of CAS Mathematical Capabilities'',
Applied Mechanics in the Americas, Volume III, edited by Luis A.
Godoy, Sergio R. Idelsohn, Patricio A. A. Laura and Dean T. Mook, American
Academy of Mechanics and Asociacion Argentina de Mecanica Computacional, Santa
Fe, Argentina, 1995, 450--455.
- Michael Wester, ``Letters about Wester's Review: Letter from Michael
Wester, Univ. New Mexico'', Computer Algebra Nederland
Nieuwsbrief, Number 14, April 1995, ISSN 1380-1260, 51--52.
- Michael Wester, ``Writing a Fortran 90 Makefile Maker in Perl'',
Fortran Journal, Volume 8, Number 3, May/June 1996, 8--12.
- E. A. Coutsias, M. J. Wester and A. S. Perelson, ``A Nucleation Theory of
Cell Surface Capping'', Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 87,
Numbers 5/6, June 1997, 1179--1203.
- Michael Wester, ``A Critique of the Mathematical Abilities of CA Systems'',
Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, edited by Michael J.
Wester, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, United Kingdom, 1999, 25--60.
- John K. Prentice and Michael Wester, ``Code Generation Using Computer
Algebra Systems'', Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide,
edited by Michael J. Wester, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, United Kingdom,
1999, 233--254.
- Michael Wester and Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, ``IMACS Applications of Computer
Algebra Conference 1999 Summary'', SIGSAM Bulletin, Volume 33,
Number 2, June 1999, 53--57.
- Robert H. Lewis and Michael Wester, ``Comparison of Polynomial-Oriented
Computer Algebra Systems'', SIGSAM Bulletin, Volume 33, Number 4,
December 1999, 5--13.
- Victor G. Ganzha, Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov and Michael Wester, ``An
Assessment of the Efficiency of Computer Algebra Systems in the Solution of
Scientific Computing Problems'', Computer Algebra in Scientific
Computing: CASC 2000; Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computer Algebra in
Scientific Computing, Samarkand, October 5--9, 2000, edited by Victor G.
Ganzha, Ernst W. Mayr and Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000,
- Eric J. Burks, Michael J. Wester, Laurel O. Sillerud, David C. Brown and
Richard S. Larson, ``Structural and Functional Characterization of a Family of
Peptide Antagonists Directed Against LFA-1/ICAM-1'', Blood, Volume
98, Number 11, Part 1, November 16, 2001, p. 228a.
- L. O. Sillerud, E. J. Burks, M. J. Wester, D. C. Brown, S. Vijayan and
R. S. Larson, ``NMR-derived model of interconverting conformations of an ICAM-1
inhibitory cyclic nonapeptide'', Journal of Peptide Research,
Volume 62, Number 3, September 2003, 97--116 (PMID: 12895272).
- Evangelos A. Coutsias, Chaok Seok, Michael J. Wester and Ken A. Dill,
``Resultants and Loop Closure'', International Journal of Quantum
Chemistry, Volume 106, Number 1, 2006, 176--189 (DOI:
- Paul Lombardi (appendix by Michael Wester), ``A Symmetrical Property of
Rotational Arrays in Stravinsky's Late Music'', Indiana Theory
Review, Volume 25, Spring / Fall 2004 (2007), 75--113.
- Michael Wester, ``ACA 2007 --- 13th International Conference on
Applications of Computer Algebra'', Computeralgebra Rundbrief,
Number 41, October 2007, p. 35.
- Michael Wester, ``Software Review: Wolfram Mathematica 6 for Linux'',
Scientific Programming, Volume 16, Number 1, 2008, 93--96.
- Sara N. Pollock, Evangelos A. Coutsias, Michael J. Wester and Tudor I.
Oprea, ``Scaffold Topologies. 1. Exhaustive Enumeration up to Eight Rings'',
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Volume 48, Number 7,
July 2008, 1304--1310 (PMID: 18605680, PMCID: PMC2734505).
- Michael J. Wester, Sara N. Pollock, Evangelos A. Coutsias, Tharun Kumar
Allu, Sorel Muresan and Tudor I. Oprea, ``Scaffold Topologies. 2. Analysis of
Chemical Databases'', Journal of Chemical Information and
Modeling, Volume 48, Number 7, July 2008, 1311--1324 (PMID: 18605681,
PMCID: PMC2807378).
- Paul Lombardi and Michael Wester, ``A Tesseract in Boulez's Structures
1a'', Music Theory Spectrum, Volume 30, Number 2, Fall 2008,
- Yuzita Yaacob, Stanly Steinberg, Michael Wester, Ahmad Faris Ismail and
Hamzah Salleh, ``ILMEV (Interactive Learning - Mathematica Enhanced Vector
calculus) Package'', Proceedings of the Seminar Pendidikan Kejuruteraan
dan Alam Bina (PeKA 2008), Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, Perak, Malaysia,
December 26--28, 2008, Faculty of Engineering, National University of
Malaysia, December 2008, 74--83.
- Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Luis M. Laita, Eugenio Roanes-Macías,
Michael J. Wester, José Luis Ruiz-Lozano and Carlos Roncero, ``Evolution
of railway network flexibility: The Spanish broad gauge case'',
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 79, Issue 8, April
2009, 2317--2332.
- Eugenio Roanes Lozano, Luis M. Laita de la Rica, Eugenio Roanes
Macías, Michael J. Wester, José Luis Ruiz Lozano and Carlos
Roncero Clemente, ``Estudio matemático de la evolucíon de la
topología de la red Española de ancho ibérico 1956--2006
(Mathematical study of the evolution of the Spanish broad gauge network
1956--2006)'', vía libre técnica investigacíon
ferroviaria, September 11, 2009.
- Paul Lombardi and Michael J. Wester, ``Serial mistakes in Stravinsky's
Requiem Canticles'', Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation, Volume 80. Number 6, February 2010, 1185--1199.
- Yuzita Yaacob, Michael Wester and Stanly Steinberg, ``Towards the
Development of an Automated Learning Assistant for Vector Calculus: Integration
over Planar Regions'', The International Journal for Technology in
Mathematics Education, Volume 17, Number 2, 2010, 81--86.
- Eugenio Roanes Lozano, Luis M. Laita de la Rica, Eugenio Roanes
Macías, Michael J. Wester, José Luis Ruiz Lozano and Carlos
Roncero Clemente, ``Estudio matemático de la evolucíon de la
topología de la red Española de ancho ibérico 1956--2006
(Mathematical study of the evolution of the Spanish broad gauge network
1956--2006)'', vía libre Técnica Investigacíon
Ferroviaria, Number 1, March 2011, 41--46.
- Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Angélica Martínez-Zarzuelo, Alberto
García-Álvarez, Michael J. Wester and Eugenio
Roanes-Macías, ``Automatically obtaining railway maps from a set of
historical events'', Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas,
Físicas y Naturales. Serie A Matemáticas (RACSAM), Volume
105, Number 1, 2011, 149--165 (DOI 10.1007/s13398-011-0010-1).
- Michael J. Wester, Yuzita Yaacob and Stanly Steinberg, ``Computing
integrals over polynomially defined regions and their boundaries in 2 and 3
dimensions'', Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 82,
Number 1, September 2011, 79--101 (DOI:10.1016/j.matcom.2011.06.003).
- Yuzita Yaacob, Michael Wester and Stanly Steinberg, ``Alat Bantuan
Pembelajaran Berautomasi untuk Kalkulus Vektor: Pengamiran Terhadap Rantau
Satah'', Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and
Multimedia, Volume 1, Number 1, June 2012, 57--67 (e-ISSN:2289-2192;
Malaysian version of ``Towards the Development of an Automated Learning
Assistant for Vector Calculus: Integration over Planar Regions'').
- Flor A. Espinoza, Michael J. Wester, Janet M. Oliver, Bridget S. Wilson,
Nicholas L. Andrews, Diane S. Lidke and Stanly L. Steinberg, ``Insights Into
Cell Membrane Microdomain Organization from Live Cell Single Particle Tracking
of the IgE High Affinity Receptor FcεRI of Mast Cells'', Bulletin
of Mathematical Biology, Volume 74, Issue 8, August 2012, 1857--1911
(DOI: 10.1007/s11538-012-9738-9, PMID: 22733211, PMCID: PMC3677563).
- Michael Wester, Yuzita Yaacob and Stanly Steinberg, ``Pengiraan Kamiran
Terhadap Polinomial Rantau Tertakrif dan Sempadan dalam 2 dan 3 Dimensi'',
Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia,
Volume 1, Number 2, December 2012, 53--83 (e-ISSN:2289-2192, Malaysian version
of ``Computing integrals over polynomially defined regions and their boundaries
in 2 and 3 dimensions'').
- Matthew S. Graus, Carolyn Pehlke, Michael J. Wester, Lisa B. Davidson,
Stanly L. Steinberg and Aaron K. Neuman, ``A New Tool to Quantify Receptor
Recruitment to Cell Contact Sites during Host-Pathogen Interaction'',
PLoS Computational Biology, Volume 10, Number 5, May 2014, 1--17
(DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003639, PMID: 24874253, PMCID: PMC4038466).
- Yuzita Yaacob, Stanley Steinbergh and Michael Wester, ``Mereka Bentuk Pakej
Kalkulus Vektor Simbolik dalam Persekitaran Sistem Algebra Komputer (SAK)
[Designing Symbolic Vector Calculus Package in Computer Algebra System
Environment]'', Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and
Multimedia, Volume 3, Number 1, June 2014, 43--53 (e-ISSN:
- Michelle S. Itano, Matthew S. Graus, Carolyn Pehlke, Michael J. Wester,
Ping Liu, Keith A. Lidke, Nancy L. Thompson, Ken Jacobson and Aaron K. Neumann,
``Super-resolution imaging of C-type lectin spatial rearrangement within the
dendritic cell plasma membrane at fungal microbe contact sites'',
Frontiers in Physics, section Membrane Physiology and Membrane
Biophysics, Volume 2, Number 46, August 2014, 1--17
(DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2014.00046, PMID: 25506589, PMCID: PMC4262399).
- Vanessa Svihla, Michael J. Wester and Marcia C. Linn, ``Distributed
Revisiting: an Analytic for Retention of Coherent Science Learning'', Special
section: Learning analytics and learning theory in the Journal of
Learning Analytics, Volume 2, Number 2, 2015, 75--101
(DOI: 10.18608/jla.2015.22.7).
- Jia Lin, Michael J. Wester, Matthew S. Graus, Keith A. Lidke and Aaron K.
Neumann, ``Nanoscopic cell wall architecture of an immunogenic ligand in
Candida albicans during antifungal drug treatment'', Molecular
Biology of the Cell, Volume 27, Number 6, March 15, 2016, 1002--1014
(DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E15-06-0355, PMID: 26792838, PMCID: PMC4791122).
- Aaron K. Neumann, Jia Lin, Michael J. Wester, Matthew S. Graus and Keith A.
Lidke, ``Nanoscopic Cell Wall Architecture of an Immunogenic Ligand in Candida
Albicans during Antifungal Drug Treatment'', Biophysical Journal,
Volume 110, Issue 3, Supplement 1, p. 483a, February 16, 2016 (DOI:
- Aaron Kurt Neumann, Jia Lin, Matthew Graus, Michael J Wester and Keith
Lidke, ``Nanoscopic characterization of immunogenic b-glucan exposure on
Candida species pathogens'', Journal of Immunology,
Volume 196, Number 1 Supplement, May 1, 2016, p. 205.9 (ISSN: 0022-1767).
- Evangelos A. Coutsias, Katrina W. Lexa, Michael J. Wester, Sara N. Pollock
and Matthew P. Jacobson, ``Exhaustive Conformational Sampling of Complex Fused
Ring Macrocycles Using Inverse Kinematics'', Journal of Chemical Theory
and Computation, Volume 12, Issue 9, September 13, 2016, 4674--4687
(DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.6b00250, PMID: 27447193, PMCID: PMC5465426).
- Michael J. Wester, Jia Lin and Aaron K. Neumann, ``A computational model
for regulation of nanoscale glucan exposure in Candida albicans'',
PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Issue 12, December 12, 2017, p. e0188599
(DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188599).
- Suresh Kumar, Ashish Jain, Farzin Farzam, Jingyue Jia, Yuexi Gu, Seong Won
Choi, Michal H. Mudd, Aurore Claude-Taupin, Michael J. Wester, Keith A. Lidke,
Tor-Erik Rusten and Vojo Deretic, ``Mechanism of Stx17 recruitment to
autophagosomes via IRGM and mammalian Atg8 proteins'', Journal of Cell
Biology, Volume 217, Issue 3, March 5, 2018, 997--1013 (DOI:
- Mohamadreza Fazel, Marjolein B.M. Meddens, Michael J. Wester and Keith A.
Lidke, ``Multiple Emitter Fitting and Structured Background Detection using
Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo'', Biophysical Journal,
Volume 114, Issue 3, Supplement 1, February 2, 2018, p. 531a (DOI:
- Sandeep Pallikkuth, Marjolein Meddens, Mohamad Fazel, Hanieh Farsibaf,
Farzin Farzam, Michael Wester and Keith Lidke, ``A MATLAB-based Instrument
Control Package for Fluorescence Imaging'', Biophysical Journal,
Volume 114, Issue 3, Supplement 1, February 2, 2018, p. 532a (DOI:
- Matthew S. Graus, Michael Wester, Douglas W. Lowman, David L. Williams,
Michael D. Kruppa, Jesse M. Young, Harry C. Pappas, Keith A. Lidke and Aaron K.
Neumann, ``Mannan Molecular Sub-structures Control Nanoscale Glucan Exposure in
Candida'', Biophysical Journal, Volume 114, Issue 3, Supplement 1,
February 2, 2018, p. 535a (DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.2925).
- Arianne M. Brandsma, Samantha L. Schwartz, Michael J. Wester, Christopher
C. Valley, Gittan L.A. Blezer, Gestur Vidarsson, Keith A. Lidke, Toine ten
Broeke, Diane S. Lidke and Jeanette H.W. Leusen, ``Mechanisms of inside-out
signaling of the high affinity IgG-receptor FcγRI'', Science
Signaling, Volume 11, Issue 540, July 24, 2018, 1--11 (DOI:
- Matthew S. Graus, Michael J. Wester, Douglas W. Lowman, David L. Williams,
Michael D. Kruppa, Carmen M. Martinez, Jesse M. Young, Harry C. Pappas, Keith
A. Lidke and Aaron K. Neumann, ``Mannan Molecular Sub-structures Control
Nanoscale Glucan Exposure in Candida'', Cell Reports,
Volume 24, Issue 9, August 28, 2018, 2432--2442 (DOI:
- Emine Güven, Michael J Wester, Bridget S Wilson, Jeremy S Edwards and
Ádám M Halász, ``Characterization of the Experimentally
Observed Clustering of VEGF Receptors'', Computational Methods in Systems
Biology: 16th International Conference, CMSB 2018, Brno, Czech Republic,
September 12--14, 2018 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics
11095, edited by Milan Češka and David
Šafránek, Springer, 2018, 75--92, (DOI:
- Vanessa Svihla, Michael J. Wester and Marcia C. Linn, ``Distributed
Practice in Classroom Inquiry Science Learning'', Learning: Research and
Practice, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, 180--202, (DOI:
- Michael J Wester, Sandeep Pallikkuth, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf,
Mohamadreza Fazel and Keith A Lidke, ``Simple and Fiducial-Free Drift
Correction for Super-Resolution Imaging of Cellular Structures'',
Biophysical Journal, Volume 116, Issue 3, February 15, 2019,
p. 279a, (DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.11.1510).
- Evangelos A. Coutsias and Michael J. Wester, ``RMSD and Symmetry'',
Journal of Computational Chemistry, Volume 40, Issue 15, June 5,
2019, 1496--1508 (DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25802).
- Mohamadreza Fazel, Michael J. Wester, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Marjolein
B. M. Meddens, Alexandra S. Eklund, Thomas Schlichthaerle, Florian Schueder,
Ralf Jungmann and Keith A. Lidke, ``Bayesian Multiple Emitter Fitting using
Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo'', Scientific Reports,
Volume 9, Article 13791, September 24, 2019, 1--10 (DOI:
- Michael J. Wester, Sandeep Pallikkuth, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Mohamadreza
Fazel, David Schodt and Keith A. Lidke, ``A Robust, Fiducial Free Drift
Correction for Superresolution Imaging'', Biophysical Journal,
Volume 118, Number 3, February 16, 2020, p. 147a (DOI:
- Anna Vyborova, Dennis X. Beringer, Domenico Fasci, Froso Karaiskaki, Eline
van Diest, Lovro Kramer, Aram de Haas, Jasper Sanders, Anke Janssen, Trudy
Straetemans, Daniel Olive, Jeanette Leusen, Lola Boutin, Steven Nedellec,
Samantha L. Schwartz, Michael J. Wester, Keith A. Lidke, Emmanuel Scotet,
Diane S. Lidke, Albert J. R. Heck, Zsolt Sebestyen and Jürgen Kuball,
``Diversity of γ9δ2T cells and the molecular interface of
γ9δ2TCR with tumor cells'', Journal of Clinical
Investigation, August 4, 2020, 1--15 (DOI: 10.1172/JCI132489).
- Hanieh Mazloom Farsibaf, Farzin Farzam, Mohamadreza Fazel, Michael J.
Wester, Marjolein B. M. Meddens and Keith A. Lidke, ``Comparing lifeact and
phalloidin for super-resolution imaging of actin in fixed cells'', PLoS
ONE, Volume 16, Number 1, January 28, 2021, e0246138 (DOI:
- Michael J. Wester, David J. Schodt, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Mohamadreza
Fazel, Sandeep Pallikkuth and Keith A. Lidke, ``Robust, fiducial-free drift
correction for super-resolution imaging'', Scientific Reports,
Volume 11, Article 23672, December 8, 2021, 1--14, (DOI:
- Mohamadreza Fazel and Michael J. Wester, ``Analysis of Super-resolution
Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Data: a tutorial'', AIP
Advances, Volume 12, Number 1, January 3, 2022, 010701-1--010701-29, (DOI:
- Emine Güven, Michael J Wester, Jeremy S Edwards and Ádám
M Halász, ``Modeling the Cluster Size Distribution of Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Receptors'', Bioinformatics and Biology
Insights, Volume 16, March 25, 2022, 1--14, (DOI:
- Elizabeth M. Bailey, Emanuel Salazar-Cavazos, Rachel M. Grattan, Michael J.
Wester, David J. Schodt, Julian A. Rojo, Keith A. Lidke and Diane S. Lidke,
``An Optimized Single-Molecule Pull-Down Assay for Quantification of Proteini
Phosphorylation'', Journal of Visualized Experiments, Number 184,
June 6, 2022, e63665: 1--20,
(DOI: 10.3791/63665).
- Simone C. Oostindie, Derek A. Rinaldi, Gijs G. Zom, Michael J. Wester,
Desiree Paulet, Kusai Al-Tamimi, Els van der Meijden, Jennifer R. Scheick,
Tessa Wilpshaar, Bart de Jong, Marloes Hoff-van den Broek, Rachel Grattan,
Janita J. Oosterhoff, Julie Vignau, Sandra Verploegen, Peter Boross, Frank J.
Beurskens, Diane S. Lidke, Janine Schuurman and Rob N. de Jong, ``Therapeutic
IgG antibody combinations acting as Bio-Logic AND gates'', Nature
Biotechnology, July 25, 2022,
(DOI: 10.1038/s41587-022-01384-1).
- Michael J. Wester, ``Memories of Vladimir Gerdt'', Mathematics in
Computer Science (Special Issue in honor of Vladimir Gerdt), Volume 16,
Issue 4, November 2, 2022, Article 22: 1--2, (DOI: 10.1007/s11786-022-00541-8).
- Mohamadreza Fazel, Michael J. Wester, David J. Schodt, Sebastian Restrepo
Cruz, Sebastian Strauss, Florian Schueder, Thomas Schlichthaerle, Jennifer M.
Gillette, Diane S. Lidke, Bernd Rieger, Ralf Jungmann and Keith A. Lidke,
``High-Precision Estimation of Emitter Positions using Bayesian Grouping of
Localizations'', Nature Communications, Volume 13, Number 7152,
November 22, 2022, 1--11, (DOI:
- David Schodt, Michael J. Wester, Mohamadreza Fazel, Hanieh
Mazloom-Farsibaf, Sandeep Pallikkuth, Sajjad~A. Khan, Marjolein B.M. Meddens,
Farzin Farzam, William K. Kanagy , Derek A. Rinaldi, Elton D. Jhamba and
Keith A. Lidke, ``SMITE (single-molecule imaging toolbox extraordinaire), a
MATLAB package'', Biophysical Journal, Volume 122, Number 3,
February~10, 2023, p. 275a,, (DOI:
- Eduardo U. Anaya, Akram Etemadi Amin, Michael J. Wester, Michael E.
Danielson, Kyle S. Michel and Aaron K. Neumann, ``Dectin-1 multimerization and
signaling depends on fungal β-glucan structure and exposure'',
Biophysical Journal, Volume 22, Issue 18, September 19, 2023,
3749--3767,, (DOI:
- David J. Schodt*, Michael J. Wester*, Mohamadreza Fazel, Sajjad Khan,
Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Sandeep Pallikkuth, Marjolein B. M. Meddens, Farzin
Farzam, Eric A. Burns, William K. Kanagy, Derek A. Rinaldi, Elton Jhamba, Sheng
Liu, Peter K. Relich, Mark J. Olah, Stanly L. Steinberg and Keith A. Lidke
(* = co-1st author), ``SMITE: Single Molecule Imaging Toolbox Extraordinaire
(MATLAB)'', Journal of Open Source Software, Volume 8, Number 90,
2023, p. 5563,, (DOI:
- Eric A. Burns, Alexandra M. Terry, Vitalijs Ovcinnikovs, Rachel M.
Grattan, Tessa Wilpshaar, Michael J. Wester, Derek A. Rinaldi, Keith~A. Lidke,
Rob N. de Jong and Diane S. Lidke, ``Probing EGFR nanoclustering and signaling
induced by hexamer-enhanced antibodies'', Biophysical Journal,
Volume 123, Number 3, February 8, 2024, p. 69a,, (DOI:
- Seth D. Ludwig, Bunyarit Meksiriporn, Jiacheng Tan, Rakeeb Kureshi,
Akhilesh Mishra, Angela Zhu, Georgia Stavrakis, Stephen J. Lee, David J.
Schodt, Michael J. Wester, Dhiraj Kumar, Keith A. Lidke, Andrea L. Cox, Helen
M. Dooley, Sridhar Nimmagadda and Jamie B. Spangler, ``Multiparatopic
antibodies induce targeted downregulation of programmed death-ligand 1'',
Cell Chemical Biology, Number 31, 2024, (DOI:
- Sajjad A. Khan, Sandeep Pallikkuth, David J. Schodt, Marjolein B. M.
Meddens, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Michael J. Wester, Sheng Liu, Ellyse Taylor,
Mohamadreza Fazel, Farzin Farzam and Keith A. Lidke, ``A MATLAB-based
Instrument Control (MIC) package for fluorescence imaging'', Journal of
Open Source Software, Volume 10, Number 105, January 28, 2025, 1--4,, (DOI: 10.21105/joss.07275).
- Eric A. Burns, Alexandra M. Terry, Vitalijs Ovcinnikovs, Rachel M. Grattan,
Tessa Wilpshaar, Michael J. Wester, Keith A. Lidke, Rob N. de Jong and
Diane S. Lidke, ``BPS2025 - Quantifying IgG oligomerization on the cell
membrane using fluorescence nanoscopy'', Biophysical Journal,
Volume 124, Number 3, Supplement 1, February 13, 2025, p. 403A, (DOI:
- Michael J. Wester, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Farzin Farzam, Mohamadreza
Fazel, Marjolein B. M. Meddens and Keith A. Lidke, ``Comparing Lifeact and
Phalloidin for super-resolution imaging of actin in fixed cells'',
Dryad, Dataset, September 1, 2020, (DOI:
- Mohamadreza Fazel, Michael J. Wester, David J. Schodt, Sebastian Restrepo
Cruz, Sebastian Strauss, Florian Schueder, Thomas Schlichthaerle, Jennifer M.
Gillette, Diane S. Lidke, Bernd Rieger, Ralf Jungmann, Keith A. Lidke, ``BaGoL
(Bayesian Grouping of Localizations) [Source Code]'', Code Ocean,
November~10, 2022, (DOI:
Grant Proposals Funded
- Michael Wester, Tudor Oprea and Evangelos Coutsias, Systematic
Enumeration of Molecular Scaffolds, Cross-Campus Collaborations in the
Life Sciences (University of New Mexico), December 19, 2005, $23,300.
- Richard Liska, Ladislav Drska, Jiri Limpouch, Milan Sinor, Michael Wester
and Franz Winkler, COMPUTER ALGEBRA, Algorithms, Systems and
Applications,, February 11, 1999.
- Mohamadreza Fazel, Michael J. Wester, Bernd Rieger, Ralf Jungmann and
Keith A. Lidke, ``Sub-Nanometer Precision using Bayesian Grouping of
Localizations'', bioRxiv, August 30, 2019, (DOI:
- Eduardo U. Anaya, Akram Etemadi Amin, Michael J. Wester, Michael E.
Danielson, Kyle S. Michel and Aaron K. Neumann, ``Dectin-1 Molecular
Aggregation and Signaling is Sensitive to β-Glucan Structure and Glucan
Exposure on Candida albicans Cell Walls'', bioRxiv, May 25, 2020, (DOI:
- Michael J. Wester, David J. Schodt, Hanieh Mazloom-Farsibaf, Mohamadreza
Fazel, Sandeep Pallikkuth and Keith A. Lidke, ``Robust, Fiducial-Free Drift
Correction for Super-resolution Imaging'', bioRxiv, March 27,
(DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.26.437196).
- Mohamadreza Fazel and Michael J. Wester, ``Analysis of Single Molecule
Fluorescence Microscopy Data: a tutorial'', arXiv:2103.11246v2
[], May 22, 2021,
Michael Wester's Vita