Construction and Applications of Normal Forms in the Theory of Nonlinear ODEs and Transfer Map Techniques The Chairperson: Alexander Bruno, Inst. Appl. Math. of Russian Acad. Sci. The Organizer of the session: Victor Edneral Moscow University A normal form method is based on a transformation of a system of nonlinear ODEs to a simpler set called the normal form. The importance of this method for a local analysis of ODEs near a stationary point has been recognized for a long time since Poincare's papers but real usage of this method was restricted by a huge volume of necessary algebraic transformations. The normal form method is applied to a creation of analytic approximations of periodic and quasiperiodic orbits, at a search of ODE's integrals, in an investigation of stability of ODEs at non-crude cases and at a bifurcation analysis. Closely to these applications it is a usage of the normal form method in a transfer maps approach widely used in light and magnetic optics. There are a number of well developed algorithms for a construction of different types of normal forms based on a modern mathematical theory and realizations of some of these algorithms. The goal of discussed session is to meet people who develop algorithms for the method, who create corresponding C.A. software and who apply the normal form method in practice. A tentative list of participants to be invited: A. Bazzani or H. Broer A. Bruno H. Caprasse R. Cushman J. Della Dora A. Deprit V. Edneral or J. Gathen A. Giorgilli I. Gjaja F. Graziani J. Henrard P. Jost J. Laskar A. Maciejewski A. Markeyev or (for A. Markeyev) K. Meyer S. Sadov J. Sanders G. Servizi or I. Shevchenko or W. Sit A. Sokolsky S. Steinberg L. Stolovitch [If somebody knows his e-mail, inform me, please] P. Teofilatto for P. Teofilatto E. Todesco or G. Turchetti or L. Vallier N. Vassiliev S. Walcher