CONFERENCE PROGRAM A preliminary conference program is now available via both the ACA WWW page and anonymous FTP (as the files program.dvi and This program will be kept up-to-date and a current version will be distributed to each conference attendee when they register. If you see any errors or problems, please alert us as soon as possible (the best way is to send email to as I am the one primarily responsible for the conference program). DORMITORIES The following was omitted from the previous announcement: The dorm occupants should plan on purchasing breakfast and dinner at one of the many restaurants on and around Central Avenue. These are very near the meeting site. The Frontier Restaurant (directly south of the Student Union Building on the corner of Central and Cornell) is open 24 hours and has good student style New Mexican food (and famous sweetrolls). COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS The Lobo Lab in the basement of the Student Union Building will be open from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm each weekday. Conference attendees will be able to show their badge and gain access to an Internet capable PC. Further details will be provided at the conference. REGISTRATION Contrary to the previous announcement, registration will begin on Tuesday morning at 7:30 am (the first talks start at 8:30 am) and continue throughout the day. The Student Union Building will be unlocked at 7 am with early morning coffee available on the Lobo Terrace (accessed via room 250-B on the second floor) from 7 am-8 am. SHUTTLING BETWEEN THE HOTELS AND UNM Our van will shuttle between the hotels (Hilton Hotel, Fairfield Inn and the Plaza Inn) and campus during the period 6:30 am--8:30 am each day and in the opposite direction after the daily sessions (typically, 5 pm--6 pm). BREAKS AND LUNCHES Breaks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday will on the Lobo Terrace on the second floor of the Student Union Building. Breaks on Thursday will be outside Woodward Hall (or an indoor alternative if the weather is uncooperative). All lunches will be in the Garden Court on the second floor of the Student Union Building. ACTIVITIES More details will be made available at the conference, but this is what we are thinking of trying to arrange: A walk near the UNM campus led by Nicolas Robidoux during the one of the lunch periods. Tuesday evening: A sacrifice at the flying saucer landing pad. Wednesday evening: A ride on the tramway to Sandia Crest (10,378 feet or 3163 meters), some walking around and dinner at the High Finance Restaurant. The views from Sandia Crest are spectacular (the sunsets are especially nice) and it is a beautiful mountain area to walk around. You may want to bring hiking shoes and definitely a jacket as it gets quite chilly once the sun has set. The cost for a roundtrip on the tram (if you are eating at the restaurant) is $9.50 and dinner runs from $14--$33. Thursday evening: A social gathering at Professor Steinberg's house. We plan to have the van available for ferrying some people between hotels/dorms and his house as well as random cars. Saturday: A hike somewhere???