Registration Fee (New Reduced): Members of IMACS On or before May 1, 1995 - $225 USA After May 1, 1995 - $275 USA Non-members add $25 The registration fee was reduced on April 1 because we now have a better estimate of the number of attendees and have consequently moved the conference to smaller facilities (still on the University campus). For those who have paid the higher fee already, refunds will be made at the conference. Registration fees can by paid by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Diners Club cards, institutional check, personal check, money order, purchase order, wire transfer (all fees must be paid at point of origin) and cash (on-site only please). Make checks payable to ACA-IMACS. Mail payments to Sandbar Productions, P.O. Box 3824, Albuquerque, NM 87190. See the WWW page for more information.