################################################################## Sample letter of invitation for a speaker in a special session. To: xxx Fr: xxx email address Re: IMACS ACA Applied Computer Algebra Meeting Da: xxx We are inviting you to speak in a special session that we am organizing for the IMACS Applied Computer Algebra meeting that is being held in the Spring of 95. We would like you to make a half-hour (hour) presentation on xxx in the special session xxxx. A special session is allocated three hours for presentations. It is expected that most talks, including any time for questions or discussion, will be for one-half hour so that attendees can easily move from one session to another. At this point there is no funding for this meeting although outside funding is being sought. Thus all attendees will be responsible for all of their expenses unless the organizers are able to obtain outside funding. An experienced small company has been hired to do the local arrangements. They have provided an estimate on which we have based the the registration fee. Proposals will be submitted to fund session organizers, students, foreign visitors, and others. If you know of a possible funding source, please let me know. See below for more about this meeting. ################################################################## IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra May, 16-19, 1995 Tuesday - Friday University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Conference Rationale: In the past several years there has been a dramatic increase in the use of computer algebra in engineering, science and education. The computer-algebra research community has made significant progress in developing applicable algorithms, particularly in the areas of ordinary and partial differential equations and systems of algebraic equations. There are now textbooks for many engineering, science and mathematics courses that use a computer algebra approach. This international conference will bring together these diverse groups for an exchange of their latest ideas. Topics Included: o Solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, including symmetry methods and differential algebras. o The use of symbolic techniques for numerical computations. o Applications of Grobner basis algorithms. o The use of quantifier elimination algorithms to solve problems in engineering. o The use of computer algebra in education, including precollege, college, and graduate education. o Application of computer algebra to problems in engineering and science. The conference will be run in the standard IMACS format where individuals are invited to organize a special session. Requests for proposals for special session will also be issued. For more information, please refer to the WWW (mosaic) page with URL: http://math.unm.edu/aca.html This information is also available by anonymous FTP: ftp math.unm.edu Name: anonymous Password: cd pub/aca ls get You can also send email to the automated mail server at: aca-request@math.unm.edu Subject: help As a last resort, FAX: 1-505-277-5505 A list of email addresses for interested parties is being collected. Please either use the "Join the list of interested parties!" option in the WWW (mosaic) interface or send email to aca@math.unm.edu if you would like to be added to this list. Local Organizing Committee: Stanly Steinberg - Conference Chairperson Robert Vichnevetsky - President of IMACS Michael Wester - Conference Coordinator International Organizing Committee: Victor Edneral - Moscow University Vladimir Gerdt - Universite de Lille, France Robert Grossman - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Herbert Melenk - Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum, Germany H. Eric Nuttall - University of New Mexico Richard L. Peskin - Rutgers University Waldir L. Roque - UFRGS, Brazil Fritz Schwarz - GMD, Germany David Wood - University of Deleware, USA Here is a list of the special sessions currently being organized: Special Sessions Education CAS in Engineering Education Computer Algebra Systems in Precollege and College Mathematics Education Engineering and Technology Coding Theory and Computer Algebra Computer Algebra Applied to Technology Computer Algebra Methods in Control Quantifier Elimination and its Applications Computer Science Computer Algebra and Automated Theorem Proving Parallel Computer Algebra Parametric Curves and Applications in Computer Aided Geometric Design Program Transformation Mathematics Applied Computational Topology and Algebra Differential Equations Construction and Applications of Normal Forms in the Theory of Nonlinear ODEs and Transfer Map Techniques Differential-Algebraic and Differential-Geometric Elimination Algorithms for Systems of PDEs Numerical Methods for PDEs in a Computer Algebra Environment Symbolic Algorithms, Differential Algebra, and Differential Equations Symmetries and Closed Form Solutions of Differential Equations Symmetries and Partial Differential Equations Probability Computer Algebra Applications of Stochastic Methods Local Arrangements: As soon as you register, a packet of detailed information will be sent to you by: Sandbar Productions email: sandbar@math.unm.edu If you do not have access to email, then FAX or write: Sandbar Productions P.O. Box 3824 Albuquerque, NM 87190 Phone: 1-505-243-1344 FAX: 1-505-268-5952 Blocks of hotel rooms and dorm rooms will be reserved with prices ranging form $25-$75 per night. To register, please use WWW (mosaic) to fill out the registration form accessible from the ACA URL: http://math.unm.edu/aca.html If you do not have access to WWW, then use anonymous FTP to obtain the form: ftp math.unm.edu Name: anonymous Password: cd pub/aca get register.txt Fill out the form and the email it to aca@math.unm.edu Registration Fee: Members of IMACS On or before May 1, 1995 - $325 USA After May 1, 1995 - $375 USA Non-members add $25 Registration fees can by paid by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Diners Club cards, institutional check, personal check, money order, purchase order, wire transfer (all fees must be paid at point of origin) and cash (on-site only please). Make checks payable to ACA-IMACS. Mail payments to Sandbar Productions, P.O. Box 3824, Albuquerque, NM 87190. Currently, this meeting is self-supporting. Thus, each and every attendee must pay the registration fee. However, several proposals will be submitted for support. In the event any of these are funded, then the funds will be used for students fellowships, to defray costs for session organizers, and to assist with foreign travel. The registration fee includes: transportation between the meeting and the hotel, rental of meeting rooms, audio visual equipment, refreshments for breaks, lunches each day, security, program, maps, advertising costs, etc. Attendees will be responsible for their transportation to and from the meeting, their hotel accommodations, and their morning and evening meals. Location: The conference will be held on the campus of the University of New Mexico which is in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque is served by an international airport. Taxi and van service is available for travel between the airport and the hotels. Buses will be provided for travel between the meeting and the hotels. Note: The month of May is one of the best times to visit New Mexico and the southwestern United States. There are many tourist attractions. Information will be provided via WWW and by surface mail after you register. Meeting Format: The meeting will be run in the standard IMACS format where individuals are invited to organize a special session. YOU ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR A SPECIAL SESSION. Paper submissions should be directed to the organizers of an apropriate special session. Additional information is available by WWW (mosaic), ftp and email. Duties of a Session Chairperson: [1] Submit a proposal for a session to the organizing committee. This should consist of an abstract for the session and a list of speakers to be invited. If the session is approved, then the following needs to be done: [2] Invite the speakers. Request that the speakers submit abstracts to the organizer. The organizer will forward the abstracts to the conference organizing committee. [3] It is suggested that the session organizer organize a dinner for the session speakers and, perhaps, some of the session participants. The conference organizers request that senior special-session organizers invite a junior researcher to be their co-organizer. In addition, it is important for the health of the computer algebra community to encourage junior, female, and minority researchers to participate in the special sessions. A list of email addresses for interested parties is being collected. Please either use the "Join the list of interested parties!" option in the WWW (mosaic) interface or send email to aca@math.unm.edu if you would like to be added to this list.