DEAS: A Computer-algebra-based Chip Design Environment for Algebraic Computation, Coding and Signal Processing

Armin Nueckel

Date: July 19th (Friday)
Time: 14:00-14:30
In general, commercial synthesis products are only able to generate quite inefficient gate level netlists based on boolean functions or so called RT-level models. Motivated by the observation, that problems in very large areas of engineering are specified in terms of mathematical expressions, the IAKS (Institut für Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme, Prof. Beth) started a long term research project called IDEAS (Intelligent Designs Environment for Algorithms and Systems). The main goal of this project was the development of algebraic algorithm and optimization methods, very comparable to the principle of boolean optimization. As a result of this project, the first fully integrated design environment for algebraic algorithm engineering based on computer algebra systems was implemented at the IAKS. The talk will describe the general structure of the design environment and demonstrates the design style based on some application examples.


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