Evaluations of Series
Victor Edneral
Institute for Nuclear Physics of Moscow University,
Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119899, Russia
Tel: (+7-095)230-75-04, Fax: (+7-095)939-03-97
Nikolay Vasiliev
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, RAS,
10, Nab.Kutuzova, St.Petersburg, 191187, Russia
Tel: (+7-812)275-44-13 Fax: (+7-812)272-79-68
There are many partial approaches to evaluation of series (finite and
infinite, formal and convergent, over different algebraic objects) but
we would like to look at the situation in general. We wish to understand
the possibility of using different kinds of series and to have different
algebraic structures for the approximation of the
solutions of realistic problems.
In particular, we are interested in searching solutions of algebraic and
differential equations defined by formal multivariate power series.
We are looking forward to present at the section different packages
for manipulating formal series in CA systems and new algorithms in this
field. We also propose several examples of different kinds of series,
their evaluation, application and related algorithms.
Date: July 19th (Friday)
- 14:00-14:25
Bernard Mourrain
Some Applications of Duality Between Polynomials and Formal Series
- 14:25-14:45
Victor Edneral
"NORT" Package for Treating Multivariate Power Series and
- 14:45-15:10
Wolfram Koepf
Series Representations and Generating Functions of
Special Functions with Mathematica
- 15:10-15:30
Nikolay Vasiliev,
Victor Edneral
About an Algorithm to Construct a Canonical Basis
for the Ideals in the Ring of Formal Power Series
- 15:30-16:15
- Coffee Break
- 16:15-16:40
Sebastian Walcher
Normalizer Elements and Integrating Factors
- 16:40-17:00
A. Abad,
A. Elipe,
J. Palacian,
J.F. San-Juan
ATESAT: A Symbolic Processor for Artificial Satellite
- 17:00-17:20
Nikolay Vasiliev
Formal Lie Series and Applications to the Hamiltonian Mechanics
- 17:20-17:30
Victor Edneral
Symbolic Approximation of Periodic Solutions and Trajectories
of Henon--Heiles' System by the Normal Form Method