Computational Physics
V.G. Ganzha
University of Kassel
Kassel D-34127
Claudio Maccone
"G. Colombo" Center for Astrodynamics
Via Martorelli 43
I-10155 Torino (TO)
Tel: ++39 11 71 80 313
Fax: ++39 11 72 33 07
Rolf Mertig
Kruislaan 409
1009 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands/Europe
Tel: +31 20 5925158
E.V. Vorozhtsov (
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Russian Academy of Sciences
Novosibirsk 630090
Computer algebra techniques/softwares have been used
in theoretical/computational physics
(such as general relativity, quantum physics,
solid state physics, etc) since the late sixties.
Nowadays, due to dramatic improvements in hardware,
algorithms and software systems,
more and more non-trivial results, e.g. in perturbation theory
and stability theory in PDE,
are achieved by using computer algebraic methods/programs.
While for physicists the results and the interpretation of
their research is naturally most important, it is realized
at a larger scale now that computer algebra systems
and special-purpose programs written in the corresponding
mathematical high-level languages can be
extremely useful (and fun)
when doing calculationally intensive investigations.
This session has as its goal to bring together researchers
who make serious use of computer algebra theory/systems in
theorical or computational physics.
Date: July 18th (Thursday)
- 08:30-08:55
Claudio Maccone
Computer Algebra and General Relativity for Future Spaceflight
- 08:55-09:20
Rolf Mertig
FeynCalc 3.0 - A Mathematica Package for Feynman Diagram Calculations
in High Energy Physics
- 09:20-09:45
Michael Trott
High order WKB approximation and singular perturbation theory
- 09:45-10:20
Coffee Break
- 10:20-10:45
Victor G. Ganzha,
K. Schaub,
Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov
The Use of Mathematica for Computation of
Stability Regions with Guaranteed Accuracy
- 10:45-11:10
Victor G. Ganzha,
Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov
Curvilinear Grid Topology Effect on
the Stability of Difference Schemes
- 11:10-11:35
Hans-Joachim Bungartz
Rapid Prototyping for the Construction of
Higher Order Finite Element Methods
on Sparse Grids
- 11:35-12:00
Jean-Antoine Désidéri,
Margarita Spiridonova
Symbolic Computation of Linear and
Nonlinear Modified (Partial Differential) Equations.