Constraints Programming


Akira Aiba (
Research Institute for Advanced Information Technology
Shiba Tokyo Kaijo Bldg. 2F
3-3, Shiba 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
Tel:+81(3)3456-3195 FAX:+81(3)3455-4877


In these years, roles of constraints in problem solving getting more important and promising. On the other hand, capabilities of computer algebra will increase problem-solving ability of constraints.

One of the combination of constraints and computer algebra is constraint logic programming (CLP) with a constraint-solver having computer algebra related algorithm for constraint solving. Groebner-base algorithm for CAL, GDCC and the quantifier elimination algorithm for RISC-CLP are examples.

In addition fot constraint solvers in CLP, there would be various interesting relations between constraint solving/constraint handling and computer algebra.

The main purpose of this session is to study and discuss the use of computer algebra and its related technoques in constraint solving/constraint handling not restricted to CLP, but constraint satisfaction including distributed constraint, propagation, relaxation, and so forth.


Date: July 19th (Friday)
Yosuke Sato
Application of Groebner basis in constraint of non-numerical domains
Eric Monfroy
Solver collaborations for non-linear constraints.
Jason Harris
Semantic Pattern Matching In Mathematica.
Olga Caprotti, Hoon Hong
Solving Equational Constraints via Patterns.
Frederic Benhamou, Laurent Granvilliers
Application of Groebner Bases for Numerical Constraint Solving.
Hoon Hong, Stefan Ratschan
Determining the Relationship Among Sets.


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