Constraints Programming
Akira Aiba
Research Institute for Advanced Information Technology
Shiba Tokyo Kaijo Bldg. 2F
3-3, Shiba 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105 JAPAN
Tel:+81(3)3456-3195 FAX:+81(3)3455-4877
In these years, roles of constraints in problem solving getting more
important and promising. On the other hand, capabilities of computer
algebra will increase problem-solving ability of constraints.
One of the combination of constraints and computer algebra is
constraint logic programming (CLP) with a constraint-solver having
computer algebra related algorithm for constraint solving.
Groebner-base algorithm for CAL, GDCC and the quantifier elimination
algorithm for RISC-CLP are examples.
In addition fot constraint solvers in CLP, there would be various
interesting relations between constraint solving/constraint handling
and computer algebra.
The main purpose of this session is to study and discuss the use of
computer algebra and its related technoques in constraint
solving/constraint handling not restricted to CLP, but constraint
satisfaction including distributed constraint, propagation,
relaxation, and so forth.
Date: July 19th (Friday)
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- Yosuke Sato
Application of Groebner basis in constraint of non-numerical domains
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- Eric Monfroy
Solver collaborations for non-linear constraints.
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- Jason Harris
Semantic Pattern Matching In Mathematica.
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- Olga Caprotti,
Hoon Hong
Solving Equational Constraints via Patterns.
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- Frederic Benhamou,
Laurent Granvilliers
Application of Groebner Bases for Numerical Constraint Solving.
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- Hoon Hong,
Stefan Ratschan
Determining the Relationship Among Sets.