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Let R be a differential ring with n commuting derivations tex2html_wrap_inline39 and let tex2html_wrap_inline41 be the ring of differential operators in the derivatives tex2html_wrap_inline43 of tex2html_wrap_inline39 with coefficients in R.

Let tex2html_wrap_inline49 = tex2html_wrap_inline51 be a linear partial differential operator of order tex2html_wrap_inline53 in tex2html_wrap_inline41 for all tex2html_wrap_inline57 and tex2html_wrap_inline59 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline61 and let tex2html_wrap_inline63 .

In 1994 the author gave the notion of left and right differential resultant

of such differential operators with respect to an element tex2html_wrap_inline65 in the symmetric group tex2html_wrap_inline67 in the case s = n+1 and such notion was extended to the more general case tex2html_wrap_inline59 in 1996.

The notion of differential resultant extends the analogous one given by Berkovich and Tsirulik in 1986 in the ordinary case and it gives necessary conditions on the coefficients of the operators tex2html_wrap_inline49 and some of their derivatives, in order that the system { tex2html_wrap_inline75 : tex2html_wrap_inline57 } has a nonzero solution.

Such differential resultants where defined as determinants of submatrices N of maximal rank in a tex2html_wrap_inline79 -matrix RM (respectively LM) associated to the operators and their derivatives until order d, where tex2html_wrap_inline81 for all j and tex2html_wrap_inline83 .

In this paper it is shown that if we consider the upper triangular form T(RM) of RM (respectively T(LM) of LM) using only row operations, then the differential resultants are divisors of the entries of in the last column and in the rows with only a nonzero entry. Furthermore, if such differential resultants are all zero, then a triangular form for the system is provided. Unfortunately the corresponding system is not always completely integrable i.e. autoreduced and coherent, on the other hand such triangular form is useful for finding the integrability conditions.

Rosario Salamone
Sun Jun 9 13:59:47 MDT 1996