Numerical Problems of Mathematical Physics
V.G. Ganzha
University of Kassel
Kassel D-34127
E.V. Vorozhtsov (
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Russian Academy of Sciences
Novosibirsk 630090
The computer algebra systems (CAS's) were previously developed mainly
for ensuring a possibility for symbolic computations on a computer. However,
the powerful CAS's developed in recent years have also a big set of built-in
functions for high-precision numerical computations. In comparison with the
conventional languages for numerical computations, such as FORTRAN and C,
the CAS's have considerable advantages, since they enable one to perform
numerical computations, necessary analytic investigations, and to visualize
the obtained results within the framework of the same computer algebra system.
The main purpose of the proposed session is the demonstration of the
capabilities of advanced CAS when solving numerically the mathematics physics
problems, in particular, the problems governed by partial differential
- The Use of Mathematica for Computation of
Stability Regions with Guaranteed Accuracy
Victor G. Ganzha
K. Schaub and
Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov
We present a symbolic-numerical algorithm for the stability investigation
of difference schemes approximating the partial differential equations of
hyperbolic or parabolic type. The use of a combination of rational arithmetic
and the arithmetic of floating-point numbers available in the Mathematica
system has enabled us to compute the stability region boundaries with
guaranteed accuracy. Computational examples are given, in which we analyze a
number of difference schemes for one- and two-dimensional partial differential
Curvilinear Grid Topology Effect on
the Stability of Difference Schemes
Victor G. Ganzha
V. Vorozhtsov
A general vector-matrix algorithm has been proposed and implemented with
Mathematica for obtaining the characteristic equation of a difference scheme
on curvilinear grids approximating the Euler equations. All the known types
(C,O,H) of curvilinear grids around the airfolis have been considered and it
is shown how the grid topology affects the stability of difference schemes.
- Rapid Prototyping for the Construction of
Higher Order Finite Element Methods
on Sparse Grids
Hans-Joachim Bungartz
Abstract: For the development of new algorithmic
concepts in the area of numerical analysis or, more generally,
scientific computing, modern tools for an efficient rapid prototyping
like computer algebra programs like Maple or Mathematica and
shell-script-type interpreter languages like Perl gain more and more
in importance. This is mainly due to the fact that the period of time
from an idea to a first programmed version of the corresponding
algorithm can be cut down significantly, since all the implementation
and declaration overhead coming along with standard (numerical)
programming languages can be avoided. As an example for that, we
present a new unidirectional approach for $d$-dimensional finite
element methods of higher order on sparse grids that enables us to
deal with problems of an arbitrary number $d$ of dimensions and to use
polynomial bases of an arbitrary degree $p$ with the same storage
requirements as and only a little bit more of computational work than
in the usual piecewise linear case. The code consists of two parts: a
kind of setup phase which is done in Maple and the iterative solver
programmed in Perl. We report on both numerical and implementational
experiences and on interface problems resulting from the use of tools
originating from different ``worlds''.
- Symbolic Computation of Linear and
Nonlinear Modified (Partial Differential) Equations.
Jean-Antoine Désidéri and
Margarita Spiridonova
The so-called ``equivalent'' (Lerat, Peyret, 1974) or ``modified''
(Warming, Hyett, 1974) partial differential equation is a very useful,
classical and basic tool of analysis of finite-difference schemes
for time-dependent problems, mostly but not only, of hyperbolic type.
Although limited in application to simple (usually scalar) model
equations, it allows in particular a rigorous analysis of the
truncation error, in which dispersive and diffusive errors are
identified. Thus new schemes are systematically compared with
well-known ones by this analysis applied to a test equation (often
the wave or heat equation). Furthermore,
the approach can be used constructively to build new
schemes in which particular types of error are absent (to a
certain order of accuracy).
Originally, Warming and Hyett developed codes of symbolic computation
of modified equations using, to our knowledge, the language MACSYMA.
We have developed a collection of programs of the same nature
for symbolic derivation of the modified equation associated with a
given finite-difference equation defined in a rather general format
using the computer algebra system MAPLE.
This contribution intends to report on the implementation of these
programs and their experimentation related to various
finite-difference schemes. For the case of linear (hyperbolic or
parabolic) partial differential equations, we have examined classical
schemes and less classical examples in which equations in one or two
space dimensions including a source term are approximated by upwind
schemes. For the case of nonlinear equations, the MacCormack
scheme applied to Burgers equation was studied as well as
Runge-Kutta-type methods applied to general hyperbolic equations.