General Relativity and Quantum Physics


Claudio Maccone (
"G. Colombo" Center for Astrodynamics
Via Martorelli 43
I-10155 Torino (TO)
Tel: ++39 11 71 80 313
Fax: ++39 11 72 33 07

Rolf Mertig
Kruislaan 409
1009 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands/Europe
Tel: +31 20 5925158


General Relativity is a research field where calculations are particularly lengthy. Therefore, Computer Algebra Codes, capable of handling tensors in Riemannian manifolds, are becoming more and more helpful and indispensible in order to make further progress. In this Session, papers are welcome to show the power of Computer Algebra Codes in General Relativity. Any of the Tensor Packages currently available are accepted to show this; however it would appear that codes now running on PC's in a Windows user-friendly environment, such as Macsyma, MathTensor and MapleTensor, are the most suited ones in order to make outstanding research advances in General Relativity.

Computer algebra techniques are used in theoretical physics since the late sixties. Nowadays, with improved hardware and software, more and more non-trivial results, e.g. in perturbation theory, could not have been achieved without the use of computer algebra programs. While for physicists the results and the interpretation of their research is naturally most important it is realized at a larger scale now that computer algebra systems and special-purpose programs written in the corresponding mathematical high-level languages can be extremely useful (and fun) when doing calculationally intensive investigations. This session has as its goal to bring together researchers in theoretical physics who have used computer algebra in a substantial part of their research.


  1. Computer Algebra and General Relativity for Future Spaceflight Investigations.
    Claudio Maccone
    Abstract: Supporters of SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) have long been claiming that SETI, rather than interstellar flight, is the only feasible way to achieve contact among alien civilizations. They claim that, even if relativistic speeds for spaceships will one day be achieved, the times involved for interstellar flight are too long to be humanly bearable for the travellers aboard the spaceship.

    This pro-SETI claim is probably correct as long as one assumes that the only conceivable form of relativistic interstallar flight is the one arising from the special theory of relativity. In fact, the basic assumption of the special theory of relativity is that in no case the speed of light can be exceeded. Surprisingly enough, however, recent advances in the general theory of relativity seem to show that Faster-Than-Light (FTL) travel is possible within the framework of the general theory of relativity. The explanation to this apparent contrast between special and general relativoty lies in the fact that general relativity makes use of non-linear differential equations and non-Euclidean spacetime geometry. This larger mathematical armoury makes room for a whole new class of unexpected relativistic phoenomena to come to light. One such "oddity" of general relativity is the Theory of Worhmoles, that could be more politely called Tunnels into SpaceTime. A neat, mildly-mathematical account of this Theory was given to JBIS readers by Robert Forward (JBIS, Vol. 49 (1989), pages 533-542), and it centers particularly around a paper published in 1987 by Michael S. Morris and Kip S. Thorne, of Caltech. The latter's equations predict that spaceflight between two distant targets, such as between two stars, may be possible in a time of hours if a "tunnel", dug into space-time, exists between the two stars. However, Morris and Thorne also showed that keeping the tunnel open for the spaceship to travel through would require the use of a kind of matter, called "exotic" by them, that does not appear to exist in nature. Thus, the request for exotic matter is a severe constraint to the natural existence or to the artificial making of a Morris-Thorne Wormhole.

    This request for "exoticity" is waived in the present paper. We firstly review the mathematics of spaceflight through a Morris-Thorne Wormhole. Then, we show how to adapt to the Morris-Thorne Wormhole a particular exact solution of the Einstein equations that was discovered back in 1917 by Tullio Levi-Civita. The advantage of this new type of Wormhole is that no exotic matter is needed to make it: only a very strong static uniform magnetic field is required. These results might lead to a laboratory experiment aiming at creating a Micro-Magnetic-Wormhole in the lab by virtue of very strong magnetic fields. We finally show that the speed of light at the center of this Micro-Magnetic-Wormhole may slow down up to considerable fractions of c, thus providing a measurable proof of the Wormhole existence.

  2. FeynCalc 3.0 - A Mathematica Package for Feynman Diagram Calculations in High Energy Physics
    Rolf Mertig
    Abstract: FeynCalc 3.0 is a collection of tools and tables for theoretical High Energy Physics. The implemented algorithms and databases and their applications to higher order quantum corrections in elementary particle physics are described. As a research application the outline of the perturbative QCD calculation of 2-loop Operator Product Exansion - type Feynman diagrams for the spin-dependent next-to-leading order Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi splitting functions is presented. Some software engineering aspects of maintaing the several hundreds Mathematica (sub-) packages of FeynCalc 3.0 are given.
  3. High order WKB approximation and singular perturbation theory
    Michael Trott
    Abstract: In the first part high order WKB quantization formulas for one-dimensional systems are derived by alternating repeated automatic partial integration with respect to x and V'(x). At the end nonintegrable singularities are rewritten as multipe energy derivatives to allow numerical treatment of the integrals. The second part discusses the second order dependence of the eigenvalues of a finite quantum well in an electric field. Because the system has a continous energy spectrum, classical perturbation theory yields untractable integrals. Starting from the exact solution a singular perturbation theory is performed to yield relatively simple closed form expressions for all eigenvalues.


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