Coding Theory and Cryptology
Shojiro Sakata (
University of Electro-Communications
Faculty of Electro-Communications
Department of Computer Science and Information Mathematics
1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182, JAPAN
Tel: 81-424-83-2161 (ext. 4386)
Fax: 81-424-87-9104
The session is devoted to providing a forum for exchange of ideas and
research results related to computer algebra (software and/or hardware)
systems and algorithmic treatment of all kinds of symbolic objects in
application to coding theory and cryptography. Nowadays error-correcting
codes and cryptographic systems are important from both theoretical and
practical reasons, and there have been done many interesting
investigations on them recently. We notice that Computer Algebra, i.e.
constructive algebraic methods and algebraic computations with developments
and applications of computational tools and systems are indispensable to
theoretical and practical works also in the field of coding theory and
- IDEAS: A Computer-algebra-based Chip Design Environment for Algebraic
Computation, Coding and Signal Processing
Armin Nueckel
In general, commercial synthesis products are
only able to generate quite inefficient gate level netlists
based on boolean functions or so called RT-level models.
Motivated by the observation, that problems in
very large areas of engineering are specified in terms of mathematical
the IAKS (Institut für Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme, Prof. Beth)
started a long
term research project called IDEAS (Intelligent Designs Environment for
Algorithms and
Systems). The main goal of this project was the development of algebraic
algorithm and
optimization methods, very comparable to the principle of boolean
optimization. As a result
of this project, the first fully integrated design environment for
algebraic algorithm
engineering based on computer algebra systems was implemented at the IAKS.
The talk will
describe the general structure of the design environment and demonstrates
the design style
based on some application examples.
- Algebra for Optical Computing and Quantum Computing
Thomas Beth,
Markus Grassl and
Joern Mueller-Quade
Optical and quantum mechanical systems enjoy a great intrinsic
parallelism that can be used to speed-up computations. As both types
of systems are linear, designing these systems leads to the problem of
factoring a given matrix into matrices corresponding to the
computational primitives of the physical system.
We present an algebraic approach to this "programming" problem for
optical computing and quantum computing.
For optical systems, the computational primitives are diffractive
elements corresponding to diagonal matrices and wave propagation
modelled by the Fresnel transformation. We show that, in principle,
any linear transformation can be realized optically up to a scalar
factor, but possibly with many diffractive elements. In practice,
optical setups with a small number of diffractive elements are of
interest. We present a divide and conquer algorithm for the design of
8f-systems, i. e., systems with up to four lenses and three arbitrary
diffractive elements.
Computations in quantum mechanical systems are specified by unitary
matrices acting on a Hilbert space which is a tensor product of
smaller subspaces. The computational primitives are unitary
transformations acting on these subspaces. In principle, any unitary
transformation can be factored into such basic transformations. For
complexity reasons we are interested in a factorization with a small
number of factors. We present an algebraic approach to find a
"factorization" similar to that for optical systems.
Solving the equations arising in the design problem is equivalent to
computing the inverse of a rational mapping. For this mapping, a
decomposition can be derived from a tower of unirational function
fields. We discuss how to compute the intermediate fields using
Groebner bases and primary decomposition. Algorithms using such a
functional decomposition solve the nonlinear equations faster than
more universal methods.
- Cryptographic Aspects Of Real Quadratic Congruence Function Fields
Andreas Stein
We show how the theory of real quadratic congruence
function fields can be used to produce a secure key
distribution protocol. The technique is similar to that
advocated by Diffie and Hellman in 1976, but
instead of making use of a group for its underlying
structure, makes use of a structure which is ``almost''
a group. The method is an extension of the recent
ideas of Scheidler, Buchmann and Williams, but,
because it is implemented in these function fields,
several of the difficulties with their protocol
can be eliminated. A description of the protocol
is provided, together with a discussion of the
difficulty of the so-called discrete logarithm problem
(DLP) in real quadratic congruence function fields.
In this context, we will point out that
the DLP for real quadratic congruence function
fields of genus one is equivalent to the DLP for elliptic curves over
finite fields.
On Certain Torsion Subgroups of Jacobians of Decomposable Curves of
Genus 2
and Its Applications to Symbolic Integration and Primality Proving
Franck Leprevost
Given two elliptic curves $E_1$ and $E_2$ defined over a number field $K$,
we construct under some assumptions a curve $C$ of genus 2 defined over $K$
such that its jacobian is $K$-isogenous to the product $E_1 \times E_2$
(following Serre, one says that the jacobian of a curve of genus $g$ is
decomposable if its jacobian is isogenous to a product of $g$ elliptic
curves). If $E_1$ and $E_2$ have a non-trivial rational torsion subgroup,
this method
allows to produce some curves of genus 2 with a ``big'' rational torsion
group. We achieve this in the case $K=\Q$ (the field of rational numbers),
and break the previous record for
the order of a rational torsion subgroup of the jacobian of a curve of genus
2, and produce by the way a minoration of the conjectural bound in
the dimension 2 case. The conjecture we refer to is
the uniform boundness conjecture for the order of the torsion groups
of abelian varieties. Thanks to a theorem of Risch, by-products take
in the problem of the integration of algebraic functions.
Another more cryptographical application is connected with ``primality
(short break)
- Groebner Basis: A Bridge between Coding Theory and Computer Algebra
Shojiro Sakata
In this talk we give a survey of
- when the concept of Groebner basis has been introduced into the world
of coding theory;
- how the concept of Groebner basis has been applied to construction and
decoding of error-correcting codes,
and discuss some important roles of Groebner basis in recent development of
coding theory. It is emphasized that Buchberger's algorithm and its
relatives take their parts just at the point of contact of coding theory
with system theory and that Groebner basis is a key not only to full
decoding of the most frequently used error-correcting codes such as
Reed-Solomon and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codes but also to construction
and efficient decoding method of the next generation of error-correcting
codes called algebraic-geometry codes.
- Computing Groebner Bases for Finding Codewords of Small Weight
Daniel Augot
We describe a relationship between codewords of small weight in
codes and algebraic systems of equations. These systems are
constructed from the (generalized) Newton's identities, and solving
these systems is equivalent to find codewords of weight less than a
given weight. We propose to compute a Groebner basis of the system, by
using the Buchberger algorithm, or variants. These is a complexity
barrier, which make the method inefficient for long codes. However,
for small length, valuable information is obtained on codewords,
because their Fourier transform is then known. Examples are given.