Quantifier Elimination
H. Hong,
R. Liska,
S. Steinberg
Recently, quantifier elimination algorithms have seen many applications,
and there have been new development in quantifier elimination algorithms
for special classes of problems.
Simple Solution Formula Construction from Truth Invariant CADs
REDLOG -- Computer Algebra Meets Computer Logic
Approximate Quantifier Elimination
Quantifier Elimination Applied in Simulation and Scheduling
Some Applications of Quantifier Elimination in Nonlinear
Control Theory
On the Determination of the Strong Stabilizability
of an n-Dimensional Linear System
The Stability of Boundary Conditions
Discussion and Comments by the Organizers and Participants
1. Christopher W. Brown cbrown@jade.risc.uni-linz.ac.at
2. George Collins George.Collins@risc.uni-linz.ac.at
3. Emma-Neila Gonzalez-Campos gcampos@matsun1.unican.es
4. Andreas Dolzmann Andreas.Dolzmann@fmi.uni-passau.de
5. Hoon Hong hhong@risc.uni-linz.ac.at
6. Mats Jirstrand matsj@isy.liu.se
7. Ying Jiangqian ying@ikd.info.gifu-u.ac.jp
8. Richard Liska liska@siduri.fjfi.cvut.cz
9. Andreas Neubacher aneubach@risc.uni-linz.ac.at
10. Stanly Steinberg stanly@math.unm.edu
11. Thomas Sturm sturm@fmi.uni-passau.de
12. Lalo Gonzales Vega gvega@matsun1.unican.es
13. Volker Weispfenning weispfen@alice.fmi.uni-passau.de
REDLOG -- Computer Algebra Meets Computer Logic
Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm
REDLOG is a package that extends the computer algebra system
reduce to a computer logic system, i.e., a system that
provides algorithms for the symbolic manipulation of first-order
formulas over some temporarily fixed language and theory. In contrast
to theorem provers, the methods applied know about the underlying
algebraic theory and make use of it. Though the focus is on
simplification, parametric linear optimization, and quantifier
elimination, REDLOG is designed as a general-purpose system. It
has been applied successfully for solving non-academic problems,
mainly for the simulation of networks. We describe the functionality
of REDLOG as it appears to the user, and explain the design
issues and implementation techniques.
Global projection operators for the Cylindrical
Algebraic Decomposition algorithm
Emma-Neila Gonzalez-Campos and
Laureano Gonzalez-Vega
The projection phase in the CAD algorithm proceeds by eliminating one
variable on a given set of polynomials X via the computation of the
principal subresultant coefficients of a well precised set of polynomials
pairs on X (including their derivatives and their reductums). Since the
size, at least in number, of this new set of polynomials is usually very
big, any improvement in the projection phase would convey to dramatically
speed up the efficiency of the CAD algorithm.
The purpose of this talk is to present two approaches allowing, in some
cases, to simplify the projection phase in the CAD algorithm:
-. The first one tries to avoid the consideration of all the different pairs
of polynomials and their reductums by parametrizing the rank of a well
precised matrix with polynomial entries.
-. The second one tries to perform an improved projection phase through the
elimination of blocks of variables instead of the usual one by one
variable elimination.
The theoretical tools to be used include Barnett's Theorem characterizing
the degree of the gcd of a finite set of polynomials through the rank of a
well-precised matrix and the parametrization of Hermite's Method for
counting the number of real solutions of a polynomial system of equations.
Some Applications of Quantifier Elimination in Nonlinear
Control Theory
Mats Jirstrand
Many problems in control theory can be formulated as formulas in the first
order theory of real closed fields. In this talk we investigate some of the
expressive power of this theory. We consider dynamical systems described by
polynomial differential equations subjected to constraints on control and
system variables and show how to formulate questions in the above framework
which can be answered by quantifier elimination. The treated problems regards
stationarity, stability, and tracking of a polynomially parameterized curve.
The software package QEPCAD has been used to perform quantifier elimination
in a number of examples.