---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Challenges in Computer Algebra ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Factoring univariate polynomials over finite fields with LiDIA The factorization of univariate polynomials over finite fields arises in various contexts of algebra and number theory, for example as the first step of factoring polynomials over the ring of integers. From the computational point of view, the problem of factoring polynomials over finite fields is not considered to be hard because of its polynomial time complexity. In practice, algorithms by Berlekamp (for small finite fields) and the modifications by Zassenhaus (using randomization for larger fields) have succesfully been proven useful, as far as memory limitations are not a major concern. Equally applicable, but less memory consuming, are algorithms by Ben-Or, Rabin, Cantor & Zassenhaus and recently by Shoup & von zur Gathen. In our talk, we will give a short survey of the algorithms that are used in practice, concentrating on the latter algorithm and its implementation within LiDIA, a library for computational number theory. Furthermore, we will present some experimental results such as running times in order to show what polynomials can be treated today, as well as comparisons of our implementation with other computer algebra systems. References E. R. Berlekamp, Factoring polynomials over finite fields, Bell System Tech J., 46:1853-1859, 1967 M. Ben-Or, Probabilistic algorithms in finite fields, 22nd Ann. Symp. on Found. of Comp. Science, pp. 394-398, 1981 D. G. Cantor and H. Zassenhaus, A new algorithm for factoring polynomials over finite fields, Math. Comp., 36(154):587-592, 1981 LiDIA group, Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. J. Buchmann, Alexanderstr.10, 64283 Darmstadt, http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/TI/LiDIA M. O. Rabin, Probabilistic algorithms in finite fields, SIAM J. Comput., 9:273-280, 1980 J. von zur Gathen and V. Shoup, Computing Frobenius maps and factoring polynomials, Computational Complexity, 2:187-224, 1992 Thomas Pfahler Institute of Maths and Statistics University of Kent at Canterbury T.Pfahler@ukc.ac.uk