The main idea of our algorithm [8] is based on the known feature of affine transformations: transformation of a given rectangle is completely conditioned by transformation of three of its corner points.
As previously, we work inside a unit square Su of pixels for which
we select three corner points
(s0, st, sr), s0 being left
lower corner, st left top corner, sr right lower corner. For
we only compute images of
these three corner points,
Then we define offsets
and use them in computing
- the angle with x axis
- the angle with y axis. This computation gives us
the set
of points which are
transformed by fk onto
and, therefore, the
synaptic weights
Horizontal size
and vertical size
of the rectangle
are determined by the contraction
factors of fk on x and y axes and calculated only once for
each fk. The inclination of each side of the rectangle
is taken into account by
The dynamics of the neural network is the same as in the Stark's algorithm.