M. Kalkbrener (see [9]) proposes a slightly
different approach, as he considers that the specialization map has the
following domain and image:
where R is a
Noetherian commutative ring (
in our case) and
a field, and
a Gröbner basis G of I in
with respect to any
ordering in the monomials of
(note that in this case Kalkbrener's approach requires the
computation of a Gröbner Basis in
). The
question to answer is: when is
a Gröbner basis of
?, and the answer is
similar to Gianni's one: in [9] it is shown that
this is is equivalent to the following:
assume that the gi's are ordered in such a way that there
exists one
, and
. Then, for every
the polynomial
is reducible to 0 modulo
But remark that in order to test this condition, we need to compute a
Gröbner basis of
but this can be,
in the worst case, similar to compute a Gröbner basis of
unless in the case in which r=s, where we can directly conclude that
is a Gröbner basis.
Although this approach seems to contain in particular Gianni's one, remark
that G is a Gröbner basis in
which implies
that it requires the computation of a Gröbner Basis over an integral
domain (
and not over a field which is the usual case: in
[1] or in [2] it is described how to compute such Gröbner Bases.
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings