As a final conclusion of this section, all the results
([7,3,9]) give just sufficient conditions for the
specialization of a Gröbner basis to be a Gröbner basis:
- The approach in [3] searches a set of ``good
specializations" verifying this condition. Although from a practical
point of view this is the most interesting question, it ``can lead to
lengthy calculations which may be too much for some computer algebra
systems", [3].
- In [7] and [9] we find a test
to decide if a given specialization is good or not. The computations
needed to realize these tests are efficient only in particular cases or
when the specialization is such that no leading terms of the polynomials in
the Gröbner basis vanishes. (In the other cases one more Gröbner basis
computation is needed, which can be, in the worst case, the Gröbner basis
of the specialization). Remark that the approach in [9] requires
the computation of a Gröbner Basis over an integral domain which is usually harder
that when the computations are done with polynomials with coefficients in a field.
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings