%From berk@info.ssu.samara.ru Fri Apr 30 01:54 MDT 1999 %Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 13:04:19 +0500 (KSD) %From: "Lev M. Berkovich" %To: wester@math.math.unm.edu %cc: neun@zib.de %Subject: submissin %Status: RO \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textheight 245mm \textwidth 175mm \hoffset -2.0cm \voffset -3.0cm \unitlength=1mm \pagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large \bf SOLDE: A REDUCE Package for Solving of Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations}\\ {\large Lev M. Berkovich\\ Department of Algebra \& Geometry of Samara State University\\ 443011,~ Samara,~ Russia,~ e-mail: berk@info.ssu.samara.ru} \end{center} This paper uses abilities of the language REDUCE and the graphic package GNUPLOT for the representation of solutions of the second order linear differential equations. The procedure of searching solutions in the analitic form uses the package SOLDE [1, 2], and the graphic output of the found solutions uses the program in [3]. The algorithmic procedure SOLDE differents from known algorithms (J.~Kovacic,~ M.~Singer). The procedure, named SOLDE, finds the Liouvillian solutions of the nonhomogeneous second order linear ordinary differential equations $$ Ly\equiv a_2(x)y''+a_1(x)y'+a_0(x)y=f(x), $$ where $a_2(x), a_1(x), a_0(x)$ and $f(x)$ belong to some differential field $(k(x), D)$,~ $k$ is number field of the characteristics $0$,~$D=d/dx$ is a derivation on $k(x)$. A differential field extension of $(k(x),D)$ is a Liouvillian extension $(K(x),D)$ such that $K(x)\supset\overline{k}(x)$, and $D$ is a derivation on $K(x)$. It provides a user with the following information on the equation being investigated. $\bullet$ The Kummer--Liouville transformation $$ y=v(x)z(t),~~dt=u(x)dx, $$ that reduces the homogeneous equation $Ly=0$ to one with constant coefficients $$ z''(t)+b_1z'(t)+b_0z(t)=0. $$ $\bullet$ The factorization $$ Ly\equiv (D-\alpha_2)(D-\alpha_1)y=0,~ \alpha_i=\alpha_i(x)\in K(x),~i=1,2. $$ $\bullet$ The fundamental set of solutions $y_1(x),~y_2(x)$ of $Ly=0$. $\bullet$ The partial solution $y_*$ of $Ly=f(x)$. $\bullet$ Ly=0 has no Liouvillian solution. \vspace{3mm} {\bf \large References} \vspace{2mm} [1] Berkovich, L.M.~ {\it Factorization and transformations of ordinary differential equations}, Saratov University Publ., 1989, 192 P. [2] Berkovich, L.M. and Berkovich, F.L.~ {\it Transformation and factorization of second order linear ordinary differential equations and its implementation in REDUCE}, Publ. Elektr. Fak. Univ. Beograd, Ser. Mat., 1995, N 6,~11--24. [3] Berkovich L.M., Frolov I.S. {\it Representation of the second order linear differential equations solutions using the language REDUCE and graphic pacckage GNUPLOT}, Vestnik Samarskogo gos. universiteta, 1997 N 2(4), 109--114. \end{document}