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A Symbolic Numeric Environment for Analyzing Measurement Data
in Multi-Model Settings
Christoph Richard1 and Andreas Weber2![[*]](
Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Universität Tübingen,
72076 Tübingen, Germany
Arbeitsbereich Symbolisches Rechnen,
Universität Tübingen,
72076 Tübingen, Germany
We have built a complete system which allows the analysis of
measurement data arising from scientific experiments.
Within the system, it is possible to fit parameter-dependent curves
to given data points numerically in order to obtain estimates of
experimental quantities.
The system provides moreover a convenient tool to test different
theoretical models against a given experiment:
We use the computer algebra system not only as
a graphical interface to visualize the data but mainly as a symbolic
calculator to investigate and to implement solutions of the underlying
theory. The system has been used successfully in a project
with researchers from the department of chemistry.
IMACS ACA'99 Symbolic-Numeric Interface session