ACA'99 Registration Fee & Lodging


Conference place: Euroforum - El Escorial.

This is the conference headquarters. All parallel sessions will take place in the same building. So will coffee breaks, lunches and dinners. Rooms are booked at the same building too.

  1. El Escorial is a small place near Madrid. Euroforum is a university owned organization specializing in organizing conferences, summer postgraduate courses and courses for private companies. Euroforum includes high-standard dorms, rooms, restaurant and other facilities (sauna, gymnasium...). A limited number of invitations to enter a golf club (with an 18 holes golf- course, tennis, swimming-pool...) at member prices are also available.

    Although the registration is high, the total for registration plus lodging is reasonable: for example, a non-IMACS member registered early, staying 3 nights (with the dinner before the first night and all three meals of the following 3 days included - except the dinner of the last day) will pay a total of 548 US$ (78354 ptas).

    The registration had to be raised w.r.t. previous years because of the way payments have to be done in this place: we have to pay to Euroforum more than two thirds of the money obtained from the registration. On the other hand, lodging is very cheap in this place, as can be seen below.

  2. Calculations are approximate (with the current US$/Spanish exchange rate of January 1999: 1 US$ = 143 ptas). As payments to Euroforum must be made in Spanish pesetas, the translations to US$ below are not a commitment for us, and are included only in order to orient the conversion to US$. Nevertheless, only in case of a substantial change in the US$/Spanish exchange rate would they be either raised or lowered.
  3. Depending on the amount of money obtained from grants, as many attendees as possible will be helped. Grants will be approved as money is obtained from sponsors. Initially they will cover registration and lodging expenses, but could also cover travel expenses in special cases. Priority will be given to those with economical problems (specially if involved somehow in the organization of the conference): students, scholars and young researchers, and those related to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
|  REGISTRATION                                                             |
|                          Early       Normal       Late                    |
|                        (Before      (Before      (After                   |
|                       March 24th)   May 24th)   May 24th)                 |
|                                                                           |
|IMACS-member:          48000 (315)  51310 (338)  58000 (385)  pesetas (US$)|
|Non-IMACS member:      50000 (350)  53310 (373)  60000 (420)  pesetas (US$)|
(Registration includes lunch and coffee-breaks on the 25th, 26th and 27th)

Lodging information

A large number of rooms have been booked at the headquarters residence. To stay there is not compulsory, although the price is very good (except for the meals of accompanying persons; nevertheless there are many nice places to eat in El Escorial).

Arrivals both on the 24th or 25th are possible. Rooms must be left either on the 27th or on the 28th (the number of rooms booked for the 27th to 28th night is restricted).

Price for individual rooms with private bathroom (prices are per night):

  Night 24th-25th:        12476 (87)    pesetas (US$)
  Rest of the nights:      7939 (56)    pesetas (US$)
      (these prices include dinner before the night and breakfast the
       following morning).

Accompanying persons (39 double rooms are available at the headquarters):
  Plus to share the room:  4537 (32)    pesetas (US$)  (per night)
  Breakfast:               1700 (12)    pesetas (US$)  (per day)
  Lunch:                   4537 (32)    pesetas (US$)  (per day)
  Dinner:                  4537 (32)    pesetas (US$)  (per day)

Extra meals

Lunch and coffee breaks are included with the registration of attendees. Dinner is not included for those attendees not sleeping at the residence.
  Dinner:                  4537 (32)    pesetas (US$)     (per day)

Payment method

We would kindly ask you to make the payments is Spanish pesetas if possible.

Please return the completed registration form below:

        by e-mail, to:   (credit cards only;
                                                      VISA and Mastercard
           by FAX, to:    (+34) 91 394 62 48         (credit cards only;
                                                      VISA and Mastercard
  by surface mail, to:    IMACS-ACA'99
                          Dept. Algebra, Desp. 3517
                          Facultad de Educacion (Univ. Complutense)
                          c/ Rector Royo Villanova s/n
                          E-28040 - Madrid (Spain)
All registrations will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Remark: On-site payment will only be possible in very special cases.


Due to the payment method in the contract signed with the company that owns the place where the conference will take place, refunds are not possible if the cancellation takes place after May 24th.

Registration form

 |   1999 IMACS Applications of Computer Algebra Conference (IMACS-ACA'99)   |
 |                Euroforum, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain                      |
 |                          24-27 June 1999                                  |
 |                                                                           |
 |                         REGISTRATION FORM                                 |
 | First name: ......                             Title: ......              |
 | Last name:  ......                                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 | Institution (full unabbreviated name): ......                             |
 |                                        ......                             |
 | Mailing Address:      ......                                              |
 | City, State/Province: ......                                              |
 | Zip/Postal Code:      ......                                              |
 |                                                                           |
 | Telephone: ......                  Telefax: ......                        |
 | e-mail:    ......                                                         |
 | Arrival date to El Escorial (June 24th or later):      ......             |
 | Departure date from El Escorial (June 28th or sooner): ......             |
 | (If applies) Travel by (plane/train/road):        ......                  |
 | Name of accompanying person (if applies):         ......                  |
 | Select:  IMACS member: Y / N                                              |
 |          Registration: early / normal / late                              |
 |                                                                           |
 | Amounts to be paid:                                                       |
 |                                                                           |
 |                      Conf. Registration:   ...... (pesetas)   (1)         |
 |                      (includes lunch                                      |
 |                       and coffee-breaks)                                  |
 |                                                                           |
 |            Participant lodging:                                           |
 |            Night from the 24th                                            |
 |            to the 25th:         ... (Y/N)  ...... (pesetas)   (2)         |
 |            (at Euroforum, includes                                        |
 |             dinner and breakfast)                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 |            Participant lodging:                                           |
 |            Rest of the nights:  ...nights: ...... (pesetas)   (2)         |
 |            (at Euroforum, includes                                        |
 |             dinner and breakfast)                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 |     Accompanying person lodging:...nights: ...... (pesetas)   (3)         |
 |     (at Euroforum, does NOT                                               |
 |      include dinner, does NOT                                             |
 |      include breakfast)                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |     Accompanying person breakfast:...ones: ...... (pesetas)   (4)         |
 |     (at Euroforum)                                                        |
 |     Accompanying person lunch:    ...ones: ...... (pesetas)   (4)         |
 |     (at Euroforum)                                                        |
 |     Accompanying person dinner:   ...ones: ...... (pesetas)   (4)         |
 |     (at Euroforum)                                                        |
 |            Participant dinner:    ...ones: ...... (pesetas)   (5)         |
 |            (at Euroforum)                                                 |
 |     -------------------------------------------------------------         |
 |                                     Total: ...... (pesetas)               |
 |                                                                           |
 |      (1) Compulsory except if granted.                                    |
 |      (2) Please note the difference between the prices of the night of    |
 |          the 24th and the other nights.                                   |
 |      (3) Can be decided and payed later (before the conference).          |
 |      (4) Can be decided and payed on-site.                                |
 |      (5) Free if staying at Euroforum.                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | Acceptable methods of payment:                                            |
 |     Credit Card (VISA or Mastercard only)                                 |
 |     Money order                                                           |
 |     Institutional check                                                   |
 |     Personal check                                                        |
 |                                                                           |
 | For Credit Card payment only. Please fill:                                |
 |     Card Type:                                                            |
 |     Number:                                    Exp. Date:                 |
 |     Card Holder Name (as it appears on the card):                         |
 |     Signature (not required if sent by e-mail):                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | For check payment only:                                                   |
 | Please make checks payable to: Sociedad "Puig Adam" - IMACS-ACA 99        |
 |                                                                           |
 | For money order payment only:                                             |
 | Money orders should be made to: Sociedad "Puig Adam" - IMACS-ACA 99       |
 |                                 Bank:    Banco Bilbao Vizcaya             |
 |                                 Address: c/ Bravo Murillo 95, 28003-Madrid|
 |                                 Account number: 0182 1275 16 0011502749   |
 |                                                                           |
 | Method of payment chosen (please specify): .......                        |
 |                                                                           |


There is a ``Centro de Salud'' (health center) at El Escorial. A cellular telephone number to contact the conference organizers in case of an emergency will be provided.

Return to the ACA'99 main page.