Andrej I. Kirilov* ( (Russia) The Solver HM : A New Software for Studying and Applying Mathematics The Solver HM consists of a MS Word--CAS interface (WCI) and a hypertextbook (HTB). The WCI takes a selected formula from a MS Word document and sends the formula to the CAS that does the required mathematical operations. The WCI then gets the CAS result and inserts it in the document. The WCI can interact with DERIVE, Maple V, MuPAD, and Reduce. The HTB is a collection of MS Word documents with a navigation tool. The documents contain the examples of solutions of about 150 basic problems. The WCI is available for a user working with the HTB. It is assumed that if the user has a mathematical problem, then he or she can find an analogue among the problems collected in the HTB and use this analogue as a template, i.e., edit it and use the WCI for doing the required mathematical operations. The Solver helps a student to concentrate on the new and essential while the computer does all operations that are already known to the student.