Title: Introducing Mathematical Models with a CAS in an Introductory Course of Differential Equations
Author: Angel Balderas Puga* (Mexico, balderas@sunserver.dsi.uaq.mx)
Affiliation: Dept of Mathematics Education, Univ of Queretaro, Mexico
Abstract: We describe the intensive use of math software, primarily Derive, in the context of an introductory university course in differential equations. Different aspects are detailed: changes in the curriculum, including not only course content, but also the order of introduction to various topics and methodologies, for example, the use of software at the beginning of the course follows a black box strategy, in order to emphasize mathematical modelling and the discussion of theorys central problems. In many classes these are not given appropriate emphasis. Also covered is the enrichment of discussion about classic problems; discussion of new problems; using CAS potentialities to demonstrate properties without the necessities of investing excessive time in technical details, avoiding long and boring calculations; design and redesign of materials that attempt to guarantee success of information technology integration; combined use of several software packages, and finally, feedback from students and assessment. In addition, examples are presented to demonstrate the support materials utility for high school Calculus.