Title: Computer Algebra in a Course on Lie Symmetries of ODEs
Author: Alejandro Jakubi* (jakubi@dfuba.df.uba.ar)
Affiliation: Dept of Physics, Univ of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abstract: In recent years renewed interest has been given to
methods based on Lie symmetries of differential equations. One of the main
reasons has been the widespread availability of computer algebra systems and
the development of specialized packages for this kind of calculations. Hence a
course on this subject is, in principle, ideally suited to introduce computer
algebra tools. The experiences with the use of these tools in a course for
undergraduate and graduate students in Physics are described. Both general
purpose CAS like Maple and stand alone system like LIE were tried. Specialized
packages considered include ODEtools and DESOLV, both running over Maple. Some
additional routines were developed to interface and extend these packages. No
previous knowledge on Lie groups or differential geometry is required for this
course. Its scope has been limited up to now to Lie point symmetries of