Title: From Computing to Proving: Experiments with THEOREMA in Mathematics Education
Author: Franz Lichtenberger* (franz.lichtenberger@scch.at)
Affiliation: Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Hagenberg, Austria
Abstract: THEOREMA is a language and system which aims at
combining general predicate logic proof methods and special proof methods for
special areas of mathematics in one coherent system. It was developed by Bruno
Buchberger and his team at RISC-Linz and is implemented in MATHEMATICA. We use
THEOREMA in lab exercises for the mathematics course for first year students of
software engineering. The subtitle of the course is "The Language and Methods
of Mathematics" and it is radically different from traditional, calculus-based
math courses for freshmen. We will give several examples where students have to
give formal definitions of notions in areas relevant to programming like
sequences, trees, graphs etc. and then have to prove properties of and
relations between objects of those types. We will analyse the benefits of that
approach, but also report of difficulties students have with using the system
in its current state and with doing this kind of mathematics per se.