Algebraic Properties of Approximate Quantum Fourier Transforms Martin Roetteler Institut fuer Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme (IAKS) Universitaet Karlsruhe Germany email: Abstract: --------- It is well known that fast algorithms for the computation of Discrete Fourier Transforms can be explained and cast in representation-theoretical terms. The pillar of this approach is to take advantage of their property to decompose a representation into a direct sum of irreducible representations. The special case of regular representations of cyclic groups leads to the most familiar case, in the following denoted by DFT. The field of definition of DFT is a cyclotomic field L containing a primitive N-th root of unity where N denotes the length of the DFT. Approximate Quantum Fourier Transforms (AQFT) are a class of unitary transformations which are defined over subfields of L and which are shown to yield good approximations to the DFT with respect to the spectral norm. AQFTs have been introduced by D. Coppersmith for use in quantum computing. They provide a significant speedup compared to the computation of a DFT on a quantum computer. As a new result we show that AQFTs are basefield transforms: they decompose the regular representation of the cyclic group into irreducibles over subfields of L, i.e., over non-splitting fields.