Algebraic Tools for Differential Equation

ACA'2002 to be held June 25-28, 2002 in Volos, Greece



Giuseppa Carrą Ferro (  

    Deparment of Mathematics and Computer Science 

    Viale A. Doria, 6 95125 Catania ITALY

     Tel: +39 095 7383054

     Fax: +39 095 330094


The use of algebraic tools for differential equations is very old and recently the development of constructive algebraic methods and software has increased it. 

The aim of the session is to present the algebraic results about differential equations and software, that can be used in order to give informations about the solutions and the properties of ordinary and partial differential equations, for example:


If you are interested in presenting a paper, please contact the organizer.

Conference Proceedings:   

A special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation on "Applications of Computer Algebra" is planned. This issue will contain selected papers presented at the ACA'2002.



  1. Detecting Unnecessary Reductions in an In volutive Basis Computation
    Joachim Apel and Ralf Hemmecke
  2. Factorizations and Transformations of Linear and Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
    Lev M. Berkovich
  3. Dynamical systems and Polynomial Functions
    Giuseppa Carra' Ferro
  4. Closed-Form Solution of Constrained Mathematical Programming via Lie Groups
    Parker Shectman and Peter Vafeades

Go to: ACA'2002 main page, Conferences on Applications of Computer Algebra main page.