Nonstandard Applications of Computer Algebra

at ACA'2008 to be held July 27-30, 2008 at RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria


Eugenio Roanes-Lozano
Michael Wester
Stanly Steinberg


In many of the ACA conferences from 1996 onwards, we have chaired a session devoted to ``Nonstandard Applications of Computer Algebra''. The session traditionally collects contributions that, while using Computer Algebra techniques and/or Computer Algebra Systems, can not be easily allocated in the ``standard'' sessions. Examples of topics treated in papers presented in previous editions of the conference are: Verification and Development of Expert Systems (using algebraic techniques), Railway Traffic Control, Artificial Intelligence, Thermodynamics, Molecular Dynamics, Statistics, Electrical Networks, Logic, Robotics, Sociology ...

We are organizing again for ACA'2008 this session:


Submissions of works in this area are welcome. If you are interested in submitting a paper, please send an e-mail message to both of us, including a tentative title and a 1 to 2 page long abstract with a general description of your work.

SCHEDULE: The list below will be the order of the talks in the conference schedule, which is still being fine tuned. We expect that the most or all of the talks will occur on Tuesday.


  1. Obtaining Automatically Railway Maps from a Set of Historical Events
    (Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Angelica Martinez-Zarzuelo, Alberto Garcia Alvarez, Michael J. Wester and Eugenio Roanes-Macias, Spain)
  2. Dynamic Balancing of Mechanisms
    (Brian Moore, Josef Schicho, Clément M. Gosselin)
  3. A Recurrent Algorithm for Conway Matrices Related to a Non-transitive Head-or-Tail Game
    (Aleksandr Myllari and Nikita Gogin, University of Turku, Finland)
  4. Computational algebraic algorithms for the reliability of generalized k-out-of-n and related systems
    (Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón and Henry P. Wynn)
  5. Polynomial Equations Arising in Global Positioning Systems and in Nash Equilibria
    (Robert H. Lewis, USA)
  6. Difficulties in Solving a Nonlinear System of Equations using Computer Algebra
    (Iulia Costin, Romania)
  7. Tableaux.mth: Semantic Tableaux for Propositional Logic with Derive
    (Gabriel Aguilera, José Luis Galán, M. Ángeles Galán, Antonio Gálvez, Antonio J. Jiménez, Yolanda Padilla and Pedro Rodríguez, University of Málaga, Spain)
  8. A Symbolic-Numeric Approach to Minimal Polynomial Logic and to Rule Based Expert Systems that Use this Logic
    (E. Roanes-Lozano, Luis M. Laita and E. Roanes-Macias, Spain)
  9. Counting Double Cosets Using Maple
    (Bill Pletsch, USA)

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