Investigating Magic Squares in a Linear Algebra Course KARSTEN SCHMIDT Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, Germany email: A magic square of order n is a square arrangement of nē real numbers, such that the sum of the elements in each row, column, and diagonal is equal to a constant s, its magic sum. Let the nxn matrix M denote a magic square, the nx1 vector j the vector of ones, the nxn matrix F the flip matrix (e.g. for n=3: 0,0,1;0,1,0;1,0,0), and ' transposition. The following interesting activities can be carried out in class at very different stages of the course, using a Computer Algebra System like Derive to facilitate computations: (1) Computing the matrix product Mj and comparing it to the scalar product sj to check whether the n row sums are indeed equal to s. (2) Computing the matrix product j'M and comparing it to the scalar product sj' to check whether the n column sums are indeed equal to s. (3) Computing the trace of M to check whether the sum of the elements of the main diagonal is equal to s. (4) Computing the trace of FM (left multiplication by F reverses the rows of a matrix) to check whether the sum of the elements of the antidiagonal of M is equal to s. (5) Reconsidering the equation Mj = sj to realize that s is one of the eigenvalues, and j an associated eigenvector, of M. Any 3x3 magic square can be written as the sum of two matrices, M = sG + N, where G = 1/3J (J=jj' denotes the 3x3 matrix of ones), and N has a simple structure defined by only two real numbers as well. The matrices G, N, and M provide good examples to compute the trace, determinant, rank, and eigenvalues, and investigate the connections between them. A further interesting activity is to compute the inverse (if M is nonsingular), or Moore-Penrose inverse (if M is singular), of M, and investigate whether it is also magic. Again, the use of a CAS is essential in order to facilitate computations. The famous Lo-Shu magic square (4,9,2;3,5,7;8,1,6) will be one of the examples used throughout the presentation.