David Jeffrey, University of Western
Ontario, Canada
Michael Wester, University of New
Mexico, USA
Michel Beaudin, ETS, Canada
Although indefinite integration is a well-studied area, new techniques are still being developed. In addition, these new techniques allow new applications. For example, the correct integration of piecewise defined functions and discontinuous functions allows us to solve differential equations containing discontinuous effects. This session will offer a venue for developers and users to discuss principles, techniques and examples.
One main hope for this session is to create a forum for participants in Albert Rich's "Rubi" integration project. This project has shown that great improvements in the performance of integration systems are still possible. The developers have been interacting through email and on-line discussions until now. We hope to get them together in one room to discuss progress. There are other groups working on integration. An example is Victor Moll's book "Irresistible integrals". If we can attract more interest, then an interesting session will result. There will be an overlap with the educational session because problems such as a parachutist falling and then opening a parachute are examples of educational problems that have been discussed in previous ACA meetings.
If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract to Michel Beaudin who will then restribute it to the other organizers.
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