Josef Böhm (November 11, 1945 - July 21, 2024)

Josef Böhm and Thierry Dana-Picard, 2014, Krems, Austria

Thierry Dana-Picard and Josef Böhm, 2014, Krems, Austria

Josef Böhm

Josef Böhm, ACA'2009 (Montreal, Canada)

Thierry Dana-Picard, Josef and Noor Böhm, ACA'2023 (Warsaw, Poland).

Founder, with Bernhard Kutzler and Helmut Heugl, of the Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra (ACDCA) in the early 1990s and editor of the Derive Newsletter -- the bulletin of the Derive User Group (DUG) -- whose first issue appeared in January 1991 and the last in March 2024 at the rate of 4 issues per year. Josef Böhm has been a proud user of technology in the teaching of mathematics, namely Derive, Geogebra and TI-Nspire. We will keep excellent memories of him from his participation and lectures in the numerous ACDCA, TIME, USACAS and ACA conferences. Josef was a family man, a valued friend.

--- Michel Beaudin

See Derive User Group + CAS-TI.

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